Multimedia-focused static site builder for macOS
InContext can be installed using Homebrew:
brew install inseven/incontext/incontext
Frontmatter is supported in Markdown files and image and video descriptions. InContext will pass through all unknown markdown fields, but puts type constraints on fields that have specific meaning:
[[String: Any]]?tags
- Test that the relative paths are correct for the destination directory; this likely needs to be per-importer, but it would be much easier if we had a way to generate these as part of the site so importers don't have to think too hard
- Store the origin mime type in the database and expose through
InContext is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE). It depends on the following separately licensed third-party libraries and components:
- Diligence, MIT License
- Hummingbird, Apache License, Version 2.0
- Interact, MIT License
- Licensable, MIT License
- LuaSwift, MIT License
- SQLite.swift, MIT License
- Tilt, MIT License
- Titlecaser, MIT License
- Yams, MIT License