an attempt to port Tony Locke's pg8000 python library
Dargres is a pure-Dart PostgreSQL driver
this code was heavily inspired by other PostgreSQL driver implementations and other related projects like
I'm only able to do this implementation thanks to several open source projects, thanks to the entire open source community for creating all these tools.
- Cleartext Password
- MD5 Password
- No SSL
- With SSL
- Simple
- Unnamed prepared statement
- Named prepared statement
- PHP PDO style
- Closure
- Working
- latin1
- utf8
- ascii
- win1252
- Allow reconnection attempt if postgresql was restarted (allowAttemptToReconnect: true)
final settings = ConnectionSettings(
user: 'username',
database: 'database_test',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: 'password',
textCharset: 'win1252',
applicationName: 'dargres');
/// The maximum amount of concurrent connections.
final concurrency = 4;
/// Allow reconnection attempt if PostgreSQL was restarted
final allowAttemptToReconnect = true;
final conn = PostgreSqlPool(concurrency, settings, allowAttemptToReconnect: allowAttemptToReconnect);
await conn.runInTransaction((ctx) async {
final items = await ctx.queryNamed(r'SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity LIMIT $1',[10],timeout: Duration(seconds: 30));
print('main items: ${items}');
var sslContext = SslContext.createDefaultContext();
var con = CoreConnection(
database: 'dataBaseTest',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: '123456',
sslContext: sslContext,
await con.connect();
var results = await con.querySimple('select 1');
print('results: $results');
//results: [[1]]
await con.close();
var con = CoreConnection(
database: 'dataBaseTest',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: '123456',
await con.connect();
var results = await con.querySimple('select 1');
print('results: $results');
//result [[1]]
await con.close();
Creating a connection and executing queries with the queryUnnamed method (prepared query) and the querySimple method. and also returning a map as a result
var sslContext = SslContext.createDefaultContext();
var con = CoreConnection(
database: 'dataBaseTest',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: '123456',
allowAttemptToReconnect: false,
sslContext: sslContext,
await con.connect();
await con.execute('DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS myschema CASCADE;');
await con.execute('CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS myschema;');
await con.execute('SET search_path TO myschema;');
await con.execute('''
CREATE TABLE "myschema"."test_arrays" (
name NAME,
varchar_array_type varchar[],
int8_array_type int8[],
int2_array_type int2[],
names_array_type NAME[]
await con.queryUnnamed(r'''
INSERT INTO test_arrays
(name, varchar_array_type,int8_array_type, int2_array_type, names_array_type)
($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
''', ['Vagner',["João",'''Isaque Sant'Ana'''],[1,2,3],[1,2,3],['name1']]);
var results = await con.querySimple(r'''SELECT * FROM test_arrays;''');
for (var row in results) {
//Result: {name: Vagner, varchar_array_type: [João, Isaque Sant'Ana], int8_array_type: [1, 2, 3], int2_array_type: [1, 2, 3], names_array_type: [name1]}
await con.close();
var con = CoreConnection(
database: 'dataBaseTest',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: '123456',
await con.connect();
final transaction = await con.beginTransaction();
try {
await transaction.querySimple(
"""INSERT INTO "people" ("name", "dateRegister") VALUES ('Alex', '2022-11-30 16:22:03') returning id""");
await con.commit(transaction);
} catch (e) {
await con.rollBack(transaction);
await con.close();
var con = CoreConnection(
database: 'dataBaseTest',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: '123456',
await con.connect();
await con.runInTransaction((ctx) async {
return ctx.querySimple(
"""INSERT INTO "people" ("name", "dateRegister") VALUES ('Alex', '2022-11-30 16:22:03') returning id""");
await con.close();
var con = CoreConnection(
database: 'dataBaseTest',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: '123456',
await con.connect();
var query = await con.prepareStatement(r'select * from people limit $1',[1]);
var results = await con.executeStatement(query);
print('results: $results');
print('sql: ${query.sql}');
//result: [[1, Alex, 2021-12-31 21:00:00.000]]
//sql: select * from crud_teste.people limit $1
// server log:
//2022-12-12 19:47:22.877 -03 [1956] LOG: execute dargres_statement_0: select * from crud_teste.people limit $1
//2022-12-12 19:47:22.877 -03 [1956] DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '1'
await con.close();
var con = CoreConnection(
database: 'dataBaseTest',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: '123456',
await con.connect();
await ctx.queryUnnamed(
'INSERT INTO test_arrays (name, varchar_array_type) VALUES (:name, :varchars);',
'name': 'Vagner',
'varchars': ["João", '''Isaque Sant'Ana''']
placeholderIdentifier: PlaceholderIdentifier.colon,
await con.close();
var con = CoreConnection(
database: 'dataBaseTest',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: '123456',
await con.connect();
await ctx.queryUnnamed(
'INSERT INTO test_arrays (name, varchar_array_type) VALUES (@name, @varchars);',
'name': 'Vagner',
'varchars': ["João", '''Isaque Sant'Ana''']
placeholderIdentifier: PlaceholderIdentifier.atSign,
await con.close();
var con = CoreConnection(
database: 'dataBaseTest',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: '123456',
await con.connect();
await ctx.queryUnnamed(
'INSERT INTO test_arrays (name, varchar_array_type) VALUES (?, ?);',
'name': 'Vagner',
'varchars': ["João", '''Isaque Sant'Ana''']
placeholderIdentifier: PlaceholderIdentifier.onlyQuestionMark,
await con.close();
Notices And Notifications it is ideal that creates a dedicated connection to listen to database notifications
var con = CoreConnection(
database: 'dataBaseTest',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
password: '123456',
await con.connect();
con.notifications.listen((event) async {
//Result: {backendPid: 9188, channel: db_change_event, payload: This is the payload}
await con.execute('LISTEN "db_change_event"');
Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 2), (t) async {
await con.execute("NOTIFY db_change_event, 'This is the payload'");
await con.close();