The Snowplow Tracking CLI is a native app to make it easy to send an event to Snowplow from the command line. Use this to embed Snowplow tracking into your shell scripts and terminal sessions.
You can download the binary for Linux, Windows, and macOS directly from Github:
There is also a Docker Container available at:
docker run snowplow/snowplow-tracking-cli:latest --collector={{COLLECTOR_DOMAIN}} --appid={{APP_ID}} --method=[POST|GET] --sdjson={{SELF_DESC_JSON}}
The command line interface is as follows:
snowplow-tracking-cli --collector={{COLLECTOR_DOMAIN}} --appid={{APP_ID}} --method=[POST|GET] --sdjson={{SELF_DESC_JSON}}
snowplow-tracking-cli --collector={{COLLECTOR_DOMAIN}} --appid={{APP_ID}} --method=[POST|GET] --schema={{SCHEMA_URI}} --json={{JSON}}
is the domain for your Snowplow collector,
is optional (not sent if not set)--method
is optional. It defaults toGET
is optional. It defaults tohttps
is a self-describing JSON of the standard form{ "schema": "iglu:...", "data": { ... } }
is a schema URI, most likely of the formiglu:...
is a (non-self-describing) JSON, of the form{ ... }
is optional. It defaults to an empty string--contexts
is optional. It defaults to an empty JSON array[]
The idea here is that you can either send in a self-describing JSON, or pass in the constituent parts (i.e. a regular JSON plus a schema URI) and the Snowplow Tracking CLI will construct the final self-describing JSON for you.
snowplow-tracking-cli --collector --appid myappid --method POST --schema iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/event/jsonschema/1-0-0 --json "{\"hello\":\"world\"}"
snowplow-tracking-cli --collector --appid myappid --method POST --sdjson "{\"schema\":\"iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/event/jsonschema/1-0-0\", \"data\":{\"hello\":\"world\"}}"
Assuming git is installed:
host> git clone
host> cd snowplow-tracking-cli
host> make test
host> make
To remove all build files:
host> make clean
To format the golang code in the source directory:
host> make format
Note: Always run make format
before submitting any code.
Note: The make test
command also generates a code coverage file which can be found at build/coverage/coverage.html
There is no buffering in the Snowplow Tracking CLI - each event is sent as an individual payload whether GET
Under the hood, the app uses the Snowplow Golang Tracker.
The Snowplow Tracking CLI will exit once the Snowplow collector has responded. The return codes from snowplow-tracking-cli
are as follows:
- 0 if the Snowplow collector responded with an OK status (2xx or 3xx)
- 4 if the Snowplow collector responded with a 4xx status
- 5 if the Snowplow collector responded with a 5xx status
- 1 for any other error
Add snowplow-tracking-cli and its package dependencies to your go src directory:
$ go get -v
Once the get completes, you should find your new snowplow-tracking-cli
executable sitting inside $GOPATH/bin/
To update snowplow-tracking-cli dependencies, use go get
with the -u
$ go get -u -v
The Snowplow Tracking CLI is copyright 2016-2022 Snowplow Analytics Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.