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Terraform module for deploying GitHub Actions Runner Operator inside a pre-existing EKS cluster.

Setting Up Authentication with GitHub API

There are two ways for actions-runner-controller to authenticate with the GitHub API (only 1 can be configured at a time however):

  1. Using a GitHub App (not supported for enterprise level runners due to lack of support from GitHub)
  2. Using a PAT

Functionality wise, there isn't much of a difference between the 2 authentication methods. The primarily benefit of authenticating via a GitHub App is an increased API quota.

If you are deploying the solution for a GitHub Enterprise Server environment you are able to configure your rate limiting settings making the main benefit irrelevant. If you're deploying the solution for a GitHub Enterprise Cloud or regular GitHub environment and you run into rate limiting issues, consider deploying the solution using the GitHub App authentication method instead.

Deploying Using GitHub App Authentication

You can create a GitHub App for either your user account or any organization, below are the app permissions required for each supported type of runner:

Note: Links are provided further down to create an app for your logged in user account or an organisation with the permissions for all runner types set in each link's query string

Required Permissions for Repository Runners:
Repository Permissions

  • Actions (read)
  • Administration (read / write)
  • Metadata (read)

Required Permissions for Organisation Runners:
Repository Permissions

  • Actions (read)
  • Metadata (read)

Organization Permissions

  • Self-hosted runners (read / write)

Note: All API routes mapped to their permissions can be found here if you wish to review

Setup Steps

If you want to create a GitHub App for your account, open the following link to the creation page, enter any unique name in the "GitHub App name" field, and hit the "Create GitHub App" button at the bottom of the page.

If you want to create a GitHub App for your organization, replace the :org part of the following URL with your organization name before opening it. Then enter any unique name in the "GitHub App name" field, and hit the "Create GitHub App" button at the bottom of the page to create a GitHub App.

You will see an App ID on the page of the GitHub App you created as follows, the value of this App ID will be used later.

App ID

Download the private key file by pushing the "Generate a private key" button at the bottom of the GitHub App page. This file will also be used later.

Generate a private key

Go to the "Install App" tab on the left side of the page and install the GitHub App that you created for your account or organization.

Install App

When the installation is complete, you will be taken to a URL in one of the following formats, the last number of the URL will be used as the Installation ID later (For example, if the URL ends in settings/installations/12345, then the Installation ID is 12345).


Finally, register the App ID (APP_ID), Installation ID (INSTALLATION_ID), and downloaded private key file (PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH) to Kubernetes as Secret.

Deploying Using PAT Authentication

Personal Access Tokens can be used to register a self-hosted runner by actions-runner-controller.

Log-in to a GitHub account that has admin privileges for the repository, and create a personal access token with the appropriate scopes listed below:

Required Scopes for Repository Runners

  • repo (Full control)

Required Scopes for Organization Runners

  • repo (Full control)
  • admin:org (Full control)
  • admin:public_key (read:public_key)
  • admin:repo_hook (read:repo_hook)
  • admin:org_hook (Full control)
  • notifications (Full control)
  • workflow (Full control)


module "github_runner" {
  source  = "DNXLabs/eks-github-runner/aws"
  version = "0.1.0"

  cluster_name                     = module.eks.cluster_id
  cluster_identity_oidc_issuer     = module.eks.cluster_oidc_issuer_url
  cluster_identity_oidc_issuer_arn = module.eks.oidc_provider_arn

  github_app_app_id          = "123"
  github_app_installation_id = "123"
  github_organizations       = [
      name     = "example_org"
      replicas = 1
      label    = "example_label"
  github_repositories        = [
      name     = "example_repo"
      replicas = 1
      label    = "example_label"
  policy_arns                = ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"]
  github_app_private_key     = <<EOT


GitHub self-hosted runners can be deployed at various levels in a management hierarchy:

  • The repository level
  • The organization level

There are two ways to use this controller:

  • Manage runners one by one with Runner.
  • Manage a set of runners with RunnerDeployment.

Manual Deploy Repository Runners

To launch a single self-hosted runner, you need to create a manifest file includes Runner resource as follows. This example launches a self-hosted runner with name example-runner for the actions-runner-controller/actions-runner-controller repository.

# runner.yaml
kind: Runner
  name: example-runner
  repository: summerwind/actions-runner-controller
  env: []

Apply the created manifest file to your Kubernetes.

$ kubectl apply -f runner.yaml created

You can see that the Runner resource has been created.

$ kubectl get runners
NAME             REPOSITORY                             STATUS
example-runner   summerwind/actions-runner-controller   Running

You can also see that the runner pod has been running.

$ kubectl get pods
example-runner 2/2     Running   0          1m

The runner you created has been registered to your repository.

Actions tab in your repository settings

Now you can use your self-hosted runner. See the official documentation on how to run a job with it.

Manual Deploy Organization Runners

To add the runner to an organization, you only need to replace the repository field with organization, so the runner will register itself to the organization.

# runner.yaml
kind: Runner
  name: example-org-runner
  organization: your-organization-name

Now you can see the runner on the organization level (if you have organization owner permissions).


There are RunnerReplicaSet and RunnerDeployment that corresponds to ReplicaSet and Deployment but for Runner.

You usually need only RunnerDeployment rather than RunnerReplicaSet as the former is for managing the latter.

# runnerdeployment.yaml
kind: RunnerDeployment
  name: example-runnerdeploy
  replicas: 2
      repository: mumoshu/actions-runner-controller-ci
      env: []

Apply the manifest file to your cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f runnerdeployment.yaml created

You can see that 2 runners have been created as specified by replicas: 2:

$ kubectl get runners
NAME                             REPOSITORY                             STATUS
example-runnerdeploy2475h595fr   mumoshu/actions-runner-controller-ci   Running
example-runnerdeploy2475ht2qbr   mumoshu/actions-runner-controller-ci   Running

Runner Labels

To run a workflow job on a self-hosted runner, you can use the following syntax in your workflow:

    runs-on: self-hosted

When you have multiple kinds of self-hosted runners, you can distinguish between them using labels. In order to do so, you can specify one or more labels in your Runner or RunnerDeployment spec.

# runnerdeployment.yaml
kind: RunnerDeployment
  name: custom-runner
  replicas: 1
      repository: summerwind/actions-runner-controller
        - custom-runner

Once this spec is applied, you can observe the labels for your runner from the repository or organization in the GitHub settings page for the repository or organization. You can now select a specific runner from your workflow by using the label in runs-on:

    runs-on: custom-runner

Note that if you specify self-hosted in your workflow, then this will run your job on any self-hosted runner, regardless of the labels that they have.

Runner Groups

Runner groups can be used to limit which repositories are able to use the GitHub Runner at an organization level. Runner groups have to be created in GitHub first before they can be referenced.

To add the runner to the group NewGroup, specify the group in your Runner or RunnerDeployment spec.

# runnerdeployment.yaml
kind: RunnerDeployment
  name: custom-runner
  replicas: 1
      group: NewGroup

Using IRSA (IAM Roles for Service Accounts) in EKS

actions-runner-controller v0.15.0 or later has support for IRSA in EKS.

As similar as for regular pods and deployments, you firstly need an existing service account with the IAM role associated. Create one using e.g. eksctl. You can refer to the EKS documentation for more details.

Once you set up the service account, all you need is to add serviceAccountName and fsGroup to any pods that uses the IAM-role enabled service account.

For RunnerDeployment, you can set those two fields under the runner spec at RunnerDeployment.Spec.Template:

kind: RunnerDeployment
  name: example-runnerdeploy
      repository: USER/REO
      serviceAccountName: my-service-account
        fsGroup: 1000


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13
aws >= 3.13, < 4.0
helm >= 1.0, < 3.0
kubectl >= 1.9.4
kubernetes >= 1.10.0, < 3.0.0


Name Version
aws >= 3.13, < 4.0
helm >= 1.0, < 3.0
kubectl >= 1.9.4
kubernetes >= 1.10.0, < 3.0.0


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_identity_oidc_issuer The OIDC Identity issuer for the cluster. string n/a yes
cluster_identity_oidc_issuer_arn The OIDC Identity issuer ARN for the cluster that can be used to associate IAM roles with a service account. string n/a yes
cluster_name The name of the cluster. string n/a yes
create_iam_role Variable indicating whether it creates iam role. bool true no
create_namespace Whether to create Kubernetes namespace with name defined by namespace. bool true no
enabled Variable indicating whether deployment is enabled. bool true no
ephemeral_runner Variable indicating whether the runner restarts after running jobs. bool true no
github_app_app_id The ID of your GitHub App. This can't be set at the same time as github_token string n/a yes
github_app_installation_id The ID of your GitHub App installation. This can't be set at the same time as github_token string n/a yes
github_app_private_key The multiline string of your GitHub App's private key. This can't be set at the same time as github_token string n/a yes
github_organizations n/a
name = string
replicas = number
label = string
[] no
github_repositories n/a
name = string
replicas = number
label = string
[] no
github_token Your chosen GitHub PAT token. This can't be set at the same time as the github_app_* string "" no
helm_chart_name GitHub Runner Controller Helm chart name. string "actions-runner-controller" no
helm_chart_release_name GitHub Runner Controller Helm chart release name. string "actions-runner-controller" no
helm_chart_repo GitHub Runner Controller Helm repository name. string "" no
helm_chart_version GitHub Runner Controller Helm chart version. string "0.12.2" no
mod_dependency Dependence variable binds all AWS resources allocated by this module, dependent modules reference this variable. any null no
namespace GitHub Runner Controller Helm chart namespace which the service will be created. string "actions-runner-system" no
policy_arns n/a list(string) [] no
service_account_iam_role_arn Variable indicating the iam role arn to be used by the service account. string "" no
service_account_name GitHub runner service account name. string "github-actions-runner-controller" no
settings Additional settings which will be passed to the Helm chart values, see map {} no


No output.


Module managed by DNX Solutions.


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.