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Adam Argyle edited this page Nov 20, 2015 · 2 revisions

Top 5 issues you may run into while editing and publishing

1. I created a post in my folder, but I don't see it in my local site

The simple short answer, is that the hub is only aware of posts that have been git committed, that's how the hub knows the most recent date it was edited. You can solve it easily by git committing the post. Alternatively, you can use our handy script to create new posts npm run post. This will create the post and git commit it for you, so you don't have to remember.

2. Undefined is not a function at > block content

See for a good explanation of what's happening. We'll fix this when Roots fixes it, they're the owners of the primary engine the hub uses. Just cancel the process and run roots watch again, you shouldn't see this error very often, but it does occur.

3. My tests are failing on the hero image?

We've done our best to provide meaningful test messages regarding your article submissions. If you're left without a meaningful message, especially one about the hero image of you post, here's a quick checklist for you to run through, should help resolve 99% of hero image scenarios.

  • Ensure the hero image name in your post has a file in your posts library with the same name
  • Ensure the hero image is not over 5mb

4. My post.jade file is complaining about spaces and tabs?

This is pretty normal, and depending on the code editor you use, you'll run into this more than others. The short easy answer, when you're working on this project, use spaces and 2 spaces for a tab. Jade needs you to choose one or the other, it doesn't support both in the same file (most things don't). So to fix the issue, highlight everything in your file, and use your IDE to tell it to use spaces for tabs, and tabs are 2 spaces deep. Then reindent your post, and voila, you'll be good. If you're using sublime, simply open the app.sublime-project file, and we've set the settings for you. =)

5. roots watch will not finish, keeps stopping because of errors

Sometimes the errors that you get from the console aren't very meaningful, but if you've created a post and roots is complaining during compilation, it's very likely that you simply have a typo somewhere. Compare the yaml at the top of your post to another post, make sure you're consistent with commas and quotes.

If all else fails, please log an issue here in Github with a picture of the errors from your console. We're here to help! Communities rule.