Intel® Explainable AI Tools v0.3.0
New Features:
- Single installer for both Model card generator and Explainers
- Unified Explainers' APIs
- CAM explainer which utilizes XGradCAM, the SOTA CAM method
- EigenCAM explainer for object detection model (FasterRCNN, YOLO)
- Compatibility support for Frozen models introduced by SciPy 1.10
Jupyter Notebooks
- ResNet50 ImageNet Classification using the CAM Explainer
- Custom CNN MNIST Classification using the Attributions Explainer
- Custom NN NewsGroups Classification using the Attributions Explainer
- Custom CNN CIFAR-10 Classification using the Attributions Explainer
- Multimodal Breast Cancer Detection Explainability
- Fine Tuned Text Classifier with PyTorch using the Intel® Explainable AI API
- Custom Neural Network Heart Disease Classification using the Attributions Explainer
Bug fixes:
- Many documentation improvements
- Improve test coverage for both Explainer and Model card generator-
Validated configuration
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Python 3.9
- Intel® Optimization for TensorFlow 2.11.0
- PyTorch 1.13.1
- Torchvision 0.14.1
- TensorFlow Hub 0.12.0
Known limitations
- Intel® Explainable AI Tools in only supported on Python 3.9