This is the unofficial TensorFlow implementation of the Keyword Spotting Transformer model. This model is used to train on the 35 words speech command dataset
Paper : Keyword Transformer: A Self-Attention Model for Keyword Spotting
To download the dataset use the following command
mkdir data
mv ./speech_commands_v0.02.tar.gz ./data
cd ./data
tar -xf ./speech_commands_v0.02.tar.gz
cd ../
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train the model run this command
python3 --data_dir ${Path to data directory} \
--logdir ${Path to log directory} \
--num_layers ${Number of sequential encoder layers} \
--d_model ${Dimension of the encoder layers} \
--num_heads ${Number of heads in multi head attention layer} \
--mlp_dim ${Dimension of mlp layers} \
--lr ${Learning rate} \
--weight_decay ${Weight decay} \
--batch_size ${Batch size} \
--epochs ${Number of epochs} \
--save_dir ${Directory to save the model weights}
To track your training metrics
tensorboard --logdir ${Path to log directory}
To predict the keyword of the audio file
python3 --model_dir ${Saved model directory} \
--file_path ${Audio file}