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merwhite11 edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Front-End Guide for Open Library, a primer for making front-end changes to the website.

File Organization Overview

  • assets: css/less in /static/css and js in /openlibrary/plugins/openlibrary/js
  • models: /openlibrary/core/ and /openlibrary/plugins/upstream/, data + ORM
  • controllers: in /openlibrary/plugins/ (maps urls [via regex] → classes w/ GET + POST functions which receive/serve content to clients)
  • templates: in /openlibrary/templates and openlibrary/macros. Macros are special template components because they can be rendered (by librarians + admins) in infogami wiki pages as:


Building CSS and JS

During local development, after making edits to CSS or JS, one must re-compile the build/static assets. There three ways to do this.

One-off build of JS, CSS, and Vue components

  • docker compose run --rm home npm run build-assets

One-off build each time a change is made

  • JS: docker compose run --rm home make js
  • CSS: docker compose run --rm home make css

Use a watch script to monitor for changes and build as necessary

  • JS docker compose run --rm home npm run-script watch
  • CSS docker compose run --rm home npm run-script watch-css
  • Vue docker-compose run --rm home npx vue-cli-service build --watch --no-clean --mode production --dest static/build/components/production --target wc --name ol-CoversNew openlibrary/components/CoversNew.vue. Replace CoversNew with your component.


  • You might also need to restart the webserver and/or clear browser caches to see the changes.
  • If you want to view the generated files you will need to attach to the container (docker compose exec web bash) to examine the files in ./static the Docker volume, rather than in your local directory.
  • If you are using an Intel-based Mac and get an error building JavaScript, specifically make: *** [Makefile:24: js] Error 139, consider downgrading Docker Desktop to Docker 4.18.0. See for more.

Working with CSS

All stylesheets are in static/css. They are combined to generate build/css/all.css, which is included in all the web pages.

It's a good idea to break CSS into multiple logical files, instead of putting it in one monolithic file.

If you make changes to any CSS, see Building CSS and JS to regenerate build/css/all.css.

We are transitioning towards using BEM notation for CSS classes. Please bear this in mind when contributing to our codebase and providing new classes or modifying existing classes. This simplifies our CSS and makes it easier to manage.

Finding a css file

Use the browser's inspector developer tools to find the CSS class name and then use git grep to find the file. Note that for some elements like cta-btn--available it may be easier to search for a subpart of the class, like --available as many of our css documents have nested styles and define partial rules like &--available.

Working with HTML

While running the oldev Docker container, gunicorn is configured to auto-reload modified Python files or web templates upon file save.

Note: the home page (openlibrary\templates\home) is cached and each change will take time to apply unless you run docker compose restart memcached, which restarts the memecached container and renders the change directly.

Open Library uses templetor syntax in our HTML. See its documentation first:

Here are some quick/useful snippets:

$# Rendering sanitized text vs. HTML; replace `$` with `$:` in any of the following statements
$cond(True, 'a < 3', '')
$# Renders as:
a &lt; 3
$:cond(True, '<li>x</li>', '')
$# Renders as:

$# Rendering other macros/templates
$:render_template("lib/pagination", pagecount, pageindex, "/admin/loans?page=%(page)s")

Working with JavaScript

Most javascript files for the Open Library project live in openlibrary/openlibrary/plugins/openlibrary/js. Most of the heavy application lifting is done by ol.js. All the custom JavaScripts are combined and includes as all.js.

Open Library uses jQuery and Vue. Some third-party JavaScript libraries are combined and included as vendor.js.

Linking New Javascript Files to HTML Templates

A guide by Jaye R.

In this tutorial, I'll walk you through how to hook up a Javascript file to an HTML template in the Open Library code base. I will use my experience working on the 'Meet the Team' page on Open Library as an example.

Step 1: Set up your environment

This tutorial assumes you already have an HTML template and a route created to display it on your browser. Go ahead and run the docker commands to pull up a local instance of the page -- we'll use it later.

Step 2: Find where the Javascript files live in the Open Library code

All the Javascript files can be found in a js folder. The path to that folder is openlibrary/plugins/openlibrary/js.

Step 3: Create a Javascript file

Inside the js folder, create a new Javascript file. Name it something meaningful -- what will this Javascript be doing? What page is it attached to?

Ex: team.js

We'll come back to this file in a couple of steps. Next, let's take a closer look at the path the Javascript takes.

Step 4: Look at the index.js file

This file is the gateway for the Javascript files on Open Library. If you scroll down, somewhere around line 68 is a comment that says // Initialize some things and beneath it is a line that says jQuery. The code block after it has a bunch of if statements. Those if statements are what we use to tell the HTML templates to load a Javascript file. A good example to look at is around line 490.

    // Add functionality for librarian merge request table:
    const librarianQueue = document.querySelector('.librarian-queue-wrapper')

    if (librarianQueue) {
        import(/* webpackChunkName: "merge-request-table" */'./merge-request-table')
            .then(module => {
                if (librarianQueue) {

Let's break this code down. In the first line, we are using DOM manipulation to grab an item from the HTML with a class of librarian-queue-wrapper and storing it in a variable called librarianQueue. Next, we check if that item exists on the DOM with an if statement. If it exists, we want to import the Javascript file associated with librarianQueue, which is located at './merge-request-table'.

Underneath the import statement, we have another if statement and finally, a function from the Javascript file to initialize the librarian queue. If you want, check out the merge-request-table folder to see what the functions do. Otherwise, we'll continue setting up our own Javascript in the next step.

Step 5: Create the link in the index.js

We're going to do the same thing as the librarianQueue for the team page. There's a div on the team page template where the filtered cards will go -- I'll grab and use that in the if statement. If the div exists, import the Javascript on the team file we made earlier. Note that it's the location of the team file, not just the name.

    // Add functionality to the team page for filtering members:
    const teamCards = document.querySelector('.teamCards_container')

    if (teamCards) {
            .then(module => {
                if (teamCards) {

We haven't actually made the initTeamFilter function yet, so let's do that in the next step.

Step 6: Create the initTeamFilter function in team.js

This function will contain all of the Javascript the HTML template needs.

    export function initTeamFilter() {
        console.log("Hooked up")

And that's it! When you build the Javascript with docker compose run --rm home make js, or with the watch script docker compose run --rm home npm run-script watch, and reload the HTML template in the browser you should see "Hooked up" in the console.

vendor.js and third party libraries

All third-party JavaScripts are added in the vendor/js_ directory in the repository and static/build/vendor.js is generated by combining these JavaScripts. The files included in static/build/vendor.js are specified in a shell script static/js/vendor.jsh.

To include a new third-party library:

$ make js
  • Commit vendor.jsh and the library added to the repository

all.js and custom JavaScripts

All the custom JavaScript files are put in the repo at openlibrary/plugins/openlibrary/js. All these JavaScript files are combined to generate build/js/all.js.

The order in which these files are included is determined by the sort order of the names. In general, it is a bad idea to depend on the order of files loaded.

If you make any changes to any of the JavaScript files, see Building CSS and JS to regenerate build/js/all.js.

Routing and Templates

  • OpenLibrary is rendered using Templetor templates, part of the framework.

  • The repository you cloned on your local machine is mounted at /openlibrary in docker. If you make template changes to files locally, the OpenLibrary instance in the virtual machine should automatically pick up those changes.

  • The home page is rendered by templates/home/index.html, and its controller is plugins/openlibrary/

  • A books page is rendered by templates/type/edition/view.html. An edition is defined by edition type. An edition is served by a /books/OL\d+M url.

  • A works page is rendered by templates/type/work/view.html. A work is defined by work type. A work is served by a /works/OL\d+W url.

URL Routing

Are you trying to find an existing Router within our plugins/? You can try to lookup the url pattern here or via to find out which view class is responsible for generating the template with which you wish to work. Some routes may pass through Open Library (to Infogami) and actually be handled generically by Infogami. This is true for routes like /books/OL..M/:title whose route patterns you can see registered at the bottom of openlibrary/core/ You may note, most of the url routing is handled within openlibrary/plugins. Each view class specifies whether it returns json or if it returns a template. If it returns a template, the first argument should be the template's path (relative to the templates/ directory) where it lives. The values following the template name are variables passed into the template (that the template will have access to).

The Lifecycle of a Network Request

Here's how a network request from a patron flows through the Open Library application: When a user submits a url, like, the url is first checked by /openlibrary/core/processors/ to see (a) if the url has to be re-written (e.g. did you know that is a valid url?) and (b) whether the url contains names which need to be translated from terms our patrons use (e.g. /books/OL...M) to the internal infogami type names registered in the database (e.g. /editions/OL...M).

From here, a distinction is made between pages which are custom defined by us (whose controllers live in /openlibrary/plugins) and pages which are managed by infogami (and whose controllers are implicitly defined -- i.e. there is no explicit controller in the code). In the case of /home, this is an endpoint we defined and has a controller defined in /openlibrary/plugins/openlibrary/ This controller declares the url pattern it's responsible for (i.e. /home), fetches the data it needs from various models, and (where applicable) explicitly passes this data into a template (in this case, /openlibrary/templates/home/index.html). The controller then returns the rendered result of this template injected with data to the patron. This differs from the magical process by which urls are resolved for infogami pages.

Adding a new Router

To add a new Router to Open Library, refer to the tutorial in our plugins README.


In some cases, we may want a page to load quickly with a minimal template and then fetch more components using javascript after the page finishes loading. For instance, on the books page, we try to fetch and show book prices in a sidebar, but this component can be slow to load, so instead of fetching this data on the backend and returning it along with the template, we augment the template with javascript instructions to load a Partial after the minimal book page is finished loading:

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 11 44 58 AM

A Partial is a targeted endpoint that returns only the minimal html required for rendering a specific, isolated component, such as a "related books carousel" or a "book price widget".

In PR #8824 you can see a complete example of where the "blocking" synchronous book price widget was removed from the Book Page and replaced with an asynchronous javascript call to a Partial that fetched book data after page load.

In order for the data-infused partial to be rendered within a template, you’ll need to edit &/or create the following files and understand how they need to interact:

What files do I need?

  1. The template - the html file in the templates folder where you intend the partial to render
  2. The partial - an html file in the macros folder
  3. The partial’s JS - a js file in the js folder that makes the call to the partials endpoint and receives the data to load into the partial
  4. index.js - the js file that connects the partial to its JS file
  5. - the python file where the Partials endpoint lives. The JS file makes a call to this endpoint, passing in the macro or placeholder. The GET function makes a call to the backend, then calls the macro with the returned data, and returns the data-infused macro back to the partial’s JS.

How to get these files to interact?

  1. Connect the Template to the Partial (2 methods)

    • Placeholder: Create an HTML element with an id in the file where you’d like the Partial to render.
    • Direct call: Directly call the partial in the template, passing in the parameters
  2. Connect the Partial placeholder or the Partial itself to the Partial’s JS

    • This connection takes place in index.js
    • The element with the id we assigned to the placeholder/partial above is selected
    • The partial's JS file is imported and the init function called
  3. Connect the Partial’s JS to the Partial endpoint

    • The Partial’s JS makes a call to the Partial endpoint. The call returns the data-infused partial to the partial’s js where it’s added to the template or the placeholder on the template.

Infogami Types

Open Library sits on top of a Wiki/CRM platform called Infogami which helps us define page types. By default, an infogami page (like is of /type/page. We've defined a bunch of other special page types (e.g. /type/page, /type/edition, /type/work, /type/author, /type/user -- see all of them here: Unlike endpoints we define (e.g. by registering controllers within /openlibrary/plugins), infogami has a generic engine which implicitly / invisibly defines controllers for all infogami pages. This engine intrinsically resolves pages of designed types directly to their corresponding templates, without there being any explicit controller represented in the code. This can sometimes make it really confusing when you're trying to figure out where the code is for a specific endpoint (spoiler: it probably only exists abstractly).

When you request a url (for an infogami page), /openlibrary/core/processors/ again first maps the url to the correct underlying infogami type, the infogami engine generically fetches the requested page object (e.g. /about or /edition/OL...M) from the infogami database (infostore) and then passes it directly to the infogami template with the matching type as defined in /openlibrary/templates/type (e.g. edition, page, work, author, etc). Re-iterated, infogami pages don't have different explicit controllers defined within the code -- urls which address infogami pages are caught by infogami, the matching db object is fetched by infogami and passed as generic variable called page into special infogami-specific templates which live in /openlibrary/templates/type/{type}/view.html via the line $def with (page). The corresponding properties and attributes of page are confusingly defined (according to the page's type) in /openlibrary/plugins/upstream/

Working in Docker

Refer to:

While running the oldev container, gunicorn is configured to auto-reload modified files. To see the effects of your changes in the running container, the following apply:

  • Editing python files or web templates: see Working with HTML.
  • Working on frontend CSS or JS: see Building CSS and JS.
  • Adding or changing core dependencies => you will most likely need to rebuild both olbase and oldev images. This shouldn't happen too frequently. If you are making this sort of change, you will know exactly what you are doing.

Beware of bundle sizes

When adding CSS content, while testing you may face an error such as this for example:

 FAIL static/build/page-plain.css: 18.81KB > maxSize 18.8KB (gzip)

This is telling you that your changes have increased the amount of CSS loaded, more than the required amount. This can lead to performance degradation so note that it should be avoided wherever possible (or be well justified!).

These problems are especially a concern for CSS files on the critical path. Always consider placing styles in an JavaScript entrypoint file e.g. <file_name>--js.less and load it inside static/css/js-all.less via @import. This CSS will only get loaded via JavaScript and has a much higher bundlesize threshold.

Browser Support

We support both Firefox and Chromium-based browsers on desktop and mobile (IOS and Android).

Internet Explorer 11

As of May 14, 2021, Internet Explorer is in 10th (after Opera, Amazon Silk, and YaBrowser) with .32% (~1,172 patrons). Nearly of those all are IE11.

In short:

  • Things should function in IE11
  • It is alright if things look wonky in IE11

We will move away from IE11 support at some point, just like Internet Archive did.

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