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Repository icm-partner-devops provides an Azure DevOps Pipeline template, which can be used by ICM projects, that are managed inside Intershops Commerce Platform. The template should be used as is. Any custom additions should be made outside of the template.

How to use the pipeline template

To use the pipeline template, add a file named azure-pipelines.yml to the root directory of your project with the following content:

# azure-pipelines.yml

    - repository: icm-partner-devops
      type: github
      endpoint: <GitHub Connection>
      name: intershop/icm-partner-devops
      ref: refs/heads/stable/v1

  - template: ci-job-template.yml@icm-partner-devops

A more detailed example can be found in the azure-pipelines.yml.tmpl file. After that, in Azure DevOps a new pipeline has to be created from this file.


Parameter Name Description Default Value Required
id Identifies each job uniquely when ci-job-template.yml is used in a loop. Can only contain characters, numbers, and underscores. Also used to extend names of files published in extensions.
dependsOn Enables an easy integration with custom jobs. The parameter will be passed as is to the 'dependsOn' property of the job.
condition Enables an easy integration with custom jobs. The parameter will be passed as is to the 'condition' property of the job.
agentPool Specifies the name of the agent pool. The pool name can't be hardcoded in the pipeline template. Yes
dockerRepoICMServiceConnection Name of the Service connection to the Docker repository Yes
dockerRepoICM Name of Docker repository, containing the ICM-customization product images. Yes
artifactsFeed Name of projects Maven repository. Yes
acrServiceConnection Name of the service connection to the ACR of the project. Yes
acr Repository in ACR including host name. Yes
projectPath Specifies the name of the repository. '$(Build.Repository.Name)' Yes
envPath Name of the ci-configuration repository resource. When making adjustments, the 'directoriesConf' parameter must also be adjusted. 'ci-configuration' Yes
directoriesConf Setting required system properties of the JVM. When making adjustments, the 'envPath' parameter must also be adjusted. '-DlicenseDir=$(Pipeline.Workspace)/s/ci-configuration/license -DconfigDir=$(Pipeline.Workspace)/s/ci-configuration/environment' Yes
repositoriesConf Setting required project properties. '-PrepoUser=PAT -PrepoPassword=$(System.AccessToken)' Yes
gradleUserHome Value of the GRADLE_USER_HOME variable. '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/.gradle' Yes
containerPrefix Prefix of the GebTest containers. '$(Build.Repository.Name)' Yes
jobTimeoutInMinutes Maximum job execution time. 300 Yes
jobContinueOnError Specifies whether future jobs should run even if this job fails; defaults to 'false'. false Yes
runGebTest Specifies whether all gebTest tasks should run; defaults to 'true'. true Yes
gebTestTasks gradle gebTest tasks. 'startSolrCloud startMailSrv startAS startWA startWAA rebuildSearchIndex gebTest' Yes
gradleBuildTask gradle build tasks. 'startMSSQL dbPrepare test ishUnitTestReport -x=containerClean' Yes
lockImages Specify whether an image built based on a Git tag should be locked in the Azure container registry. true
preHookTemplate Inject additional steps into the current job. This can be done by defining additional templates, which are executed before the main steps of the current job. Just create according template files and pass their names to the following parameters. '@self' is important, otherwise the templates would be expected at the same location as ci-job-template.yml. @self
postHookTemplate Inject additional steps into the current job. This can be done by defining additional templates, which are executed after the main steps of the current job. Just create according template files and pass their names to the following parameters. '@self' is important, otherwise the templates would be expected at the same location as ci-job-template.yml. @self
sonarQubeEnabled Specifies whether SonarQube analysis should be enabled. false
sqGradlePluginVersionChoice Specifies the SonarQube Gradle plugin version to use. Declare the version in the Gradle configuration file, or specify a version with this string. Allowed values: specify (Specify version number), build (Use plugin applied in your build.gradle). specify
sonarQubePluginVersion Specifies the version of the SonarQube plugin to be used for code analysis. 2.6.1
checkStyleEnabled Specifies whether CheckStyle analysis should be enabled. false
pmdEnabled Specifies whether PMD analysis should be enabled. false
spotBugsEnabled Specifies whether SpotBugs analysis should be enabled. false
spotBugsPluginVersion Specifies the version of the SpotBugs plugin to be used for code analysis. 4.7.0
javaVersion Specifies the JDK version to make available on the path. Use a whole number version, such as 17 or 21. 17 Yes


This is a very simple example of a pre- or postHookTemplate:

  - script: |
      echo "Hello world"
    displayName: "hello world"

SonarCloud configuration example

  1. Create pre and post hook templates

    • create directory templates in your project
    • Pre hook template templates/prehooktemplate.yml
       - task: SonarCloudPrepare@1
             SonarCloud: '<SonarCloud service connection>'
             organization: '<SonarCloud organization>'
             scannerMode: 'Other'
             extraProperties: |
                 # Additional properties that will be passed to the scanner,
                 # Put one key=value per line, example:
                 # sonar.exclusions=**/*.bin
                 sonar.projectKey=<SonarCloud project key>
                 sonar.projectName=<SonarCloud project name>   
    • Post hook template templates/posthooktemplate.yml
      - task: SonarCloudPublish@1
          pollingTimeoutSec: '300'
  2. Adapt template configuration azure-pipelines.yml

        - template: ci-job-template.yml@icm-partner-devops
            # These parameters must not be changed. They are used to pass variables to the ci-job templaten, which
            # are defined by library icm11-build-configuration.
            agentPool:                          $(BUILD_AGENT_POOL)
            dockerRepoICMServiceConnection:     $(INTERSHOP_REPO_SERVICE_CONNECTION)
            dockerRepoICM:                      $(INTERSHOP_REPO_PATH)
            acrServiceConnection:               $(REPO_SERVICE_CONNECTION)
            acr:                                $(REPO_PATH)
            artifactsFeed:                      $(ARTIFACT_FEED)
            preHookTemplate:                    templates/prehooktemplate.yml@self
            postHookTemplate:                   templates/posthooktemplate.yml@self
            sonarQubeEnabled:                   true
            sqGradlePluginVersionChoice:        build

The version of the Sonar Gradle plugin is used from build.gradle(.kts) script.

Important information:

Always refer to the stable/v1 branch or a tag as the main/master branch is under constant development and breaking changes cannot be excluded. The stable/v1 represents a branch that is backward compatible and does not contain any breaking changes.