An MQTT connector based on emqtt for Broadway.
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol designed for small sensors and mobile devices with limited bandwidth. MQTT is commonly used in IoT (Internet of Things), home and industrial automation, healthcare and energy management amongst others.
Several well-known systems and cloud providers provides MQTT broker services that can be used to build automation systems. These includes Amazon Web Services (AWS IoT), Microsoft Azure (IoT Hub, Event Grid), IBM Watson IoT Platform and Eclipse Mosquitto.
defmodule MyBroadway do
use Broadway
alias Broadway.Message
def start_link(_opts) do
name: __MODULE__,
producer: [
module: {OffBroadway.EMQTT.Producer,
topics: [
{"test/topic1", :at_most_once}, # QoS 0
{"test/topic2", :at_least_once}, # QoS 1
{"test/topic3", :exactly_once} # QoS 2
config: [
host: "",
port: 1884,
username: "rw",
password: "readwrite"
concurrency: 5
processors: [
default: [concurrency: 10]
batchers: [
default: [
batch_size: 200,
concurrency: 5
@impl true
def handle_message(_, %Message{} = message, _) do
IO.inspect(message, label: "Handled message from producer")
@impl true
def handle_batch(_, messages, _, _) do
IO.inspect("Received a batch of #{length(messages)} messages", label: "Handled batch from producer")
This package is available in Hex, and can be installed
by adding off_broadway_emqtt
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:off_broadway_emqtt, github: "Intility/off_broadway_emqtt", tag: "v0.1.0"}, # Waiting for upstream deps resolution fix
{:cowlib, "~> 2.12", override: true} # Required for `:emqtt` dependency resolution
By default, :emqtt
compiles the Quic
library. It is possible to build without by setting the environment variable
BUILD_WITHOUT_QUIC=1 mix deps.compile