This project is a skeleton project leveraging Vue, Bulma, and Webpack (NPM for dependencies).
This project is built in ES6 syntax (example IDE configuration)
Dependencies :
npm install
npm run serve
You can then navigate to the application by going to the following URL in your browser
Your going to be using the Finnhub API to display stock tickers and data!
- You can use any IDE of your choice
- You must use Vue and Bulma
- You can install any other packages available in the node ecosystem to help you complete the assessment (included are some helpful libs and home brewed elements)
The base project already includes
- Pulling the necessary data from the API (for the base requirements)
- A pre-built
- route (to the symbols page)
- api service (to get symbols data from Finnhub)
- view (to display the list of symbols)
Use the existing list of symbols being returned on the Symbols page to achieve the following :
Clean up and display the list of symbols in a UI/UX friendly way
- Leverage any of the available data points currently being returned by the API to achieve this
Allow performing these actions on the list (do NOT re-fetch the data from the API):
- Searching : On symbol and company name
- Sorting : Ascending and descending on at least 1 data point
Ability to click a single stock ticker and navigate to a dedicated page (has it's own route and URL) for viewing it
- Find and use the API end point for selecting a single ticker so you can load all possible information for it
- Display information related to the symbol/company in a manner in which you best see fit
- Add any assumptions you made, challenges you over came, or anything note-worthy that you would like to have evaluated and/or discussed. Put these assumptions in the file.
- Commit your changes to your own GitHub profile (or another public code repository) and send a link to the repository to the person that provided you this assessment.
- Provide the # of hours you invested in the assessment in your submission
- Please do not spend more than 8 hours
- Effective use of white space and colors to make the data consumable
- Effective use of coloring to distinguish trends
- DRY programming
- Leveraging computed properties
Getting lint errors? Fix them with:
npm run lint --fix
Vue : Vue
Bulma : CSS framework
Axios : Used for making AJAX/XHR requests
Moment : Date helper
_ (underscore.js) : JS helpers