Icon Migrate is a collection of PHP scripts that help developers to migrate any site to Drupal 8 and 9.
In order to migrate a site, Icon Migrate works with other site archiving tools such as Site Sucker and wget. An example of using wget is provided below:
wget --mirror --page-requisites --adjust-extension --no-parent --convert-links --directory-prefix=local_dest_dir https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Department_of_Parliamentary_Services/Publications/Annual_Report_2016-17
Those site archiving tools will crawl and make a full static HTML archive of a website with all referenced local files and images. Icon Migrate can then pick up the archived HTML pages, along with the files and images and migrate them into Drupal.
Basic configuration of the Drupal site will be required. An example composer.json
file is provided, which includes the modules those scripts depends on to function properly. In a nutshell, the target Drupal site will need the REST API (create node) enabled.
There are two PHP scripts to run: icon_migrate_discover.php
and icon_migrate_post.php
These scripts will require the settings files configured properly before doing their jobs.
After the correct settings are provided, run php -f icon_migrate_discover.php
to convert the static HTML archive of the source site into JSON data files that can then be posted to Drupal via Drupal's REST API.
After the JSON data files are prepared, run php -dsafe_mode=Off icon_migrate_post.php
to post the JSON files to Drupal to create the migrated pages