An event-driven RADIUS server micro-framework based on node-radius. Now it's easier than ever to write a RADIUS server that isn't standards-compliant! ;)
var tephra = require('tephra')
var users = {user1: 'secret_password'}
var server = new tephra(
1812, // authentication port
1813, // accounting port
3799, // change of authorisation port
[ // add dictionaries for vendor-specific attributes
name: 'quux_vendor',
path: '/path/to/quux_vendor/dictionary',
id: 12345
server.on('Access-Request', function(packet, rinfo, accept, reject) {
var username = packet.attributes['User-Name']
var password = packet.attributes['User-Password']
if (!(username in users && users[username] === password)) {
reject([], {}, console.log)
var attributes = [
['foo', 'bar'],
['baz', 'qux']
var vendor_attributes = {
quux_vendor: [
['foo', 'bar']
accept(attributes, vendor_attributes, console.log)
}).on('Accounting-Request', function(packet, rinfo, respond) {
// catch all accounting-requests
respond([], {}, console.log)
}).on('Accounting-Request-Start', function(packet, rinfo, respond) {
// or just catch specific accounting-request status types...
respond([], {}, console.log)
}).on('Accounting-Request-Interim-Update', function(packet, rinfo, respond) {
respond([], {}, console.log)
}).on('Accounting-Request-Stop', function(packet, rinfo, respond) {
respond([], {}, console.log)