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HoloViews: Dynamic Elements

J.L Stevens edited this page Apr 17, 2015 · 1 revision
  • DynamicMap accepts a single ``DynamicElement`. The latter takes a callable to generate an Element. Consider link to PatternGenerator.

  • DynamicMap generate an Element when the __getitem__ is called with a specific key.

  • DynamicMap becomes a holomap when __getitem__ is passed a list of keys or dimension sets (as already supported).

  • DynamicMap probably has state keeping track of the history of ranges and a 'current key' to step relative to. It probably also supports a cache of some length. The history of ranges interacts appropriately with the plotting normalization.

  • DynamicMap has an initialize method that sets the 'initial conditions' for the dynamic element but also resets the caches, ranges etc.

  • DynamicMap can only support slider widgets and scrubber with semantics for the buttons when the 'Run' mode (next to loop, once, reflect etc) is selected.

Two modes

'Open' mode

  • This is an open interval + step. This involves the intialization tuple (1.23,10e10, 1) and a tuple delta a multi-dimensional step e.g. (1.5, 1e9, 2) OR more generally a function from current-tuple to new tuple.

'Interval' mode

  • Here you define the intervals (or sets of values) and for the continuous dimensions you can select anywhere in the defined interval. Essentially, all key_dimensions need values or range to be well defined (e.g. no None in range).