Test semantic versioning process with a python project
rev: v0.1.1
- protect main branch and allow PRs only (Settings -> Branches -> add new rule for main) + test it
- test main branch protection -> git push origin main
- add/invite a colaborator in order to review the PRs (Settings -> manage access)
Init poetry project
- Since this will be a python project ensure Petry is installed (poetry --version)
- Poetry is a Dependency Manager for Pyton (poetry uses pyproject.toml)
- use 'poetry init' for an existing project or 'poetry new <proj_name>' for a new project (it will create/update the pyproject.toml file)
Init Semantic-release
- poetry add -D python-semantic-release
- define all the places where I want the version updated
version_variable = [
version_toml = [
version_pattern = [
"README.md:rev: v{version}"
branch = "main" # release from main branch
major_on_zero = true # until release become stable
# build_command="pip <something>" # generate the final package