Weather app consuming Open Weather API
This is the Second Project of the Microverse JavaScript curriculum!
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This is a weather web app, is consuming OpenWeatherMap API to get weather city's info and Pexels API for the background image
This project was built using these technologies.
- Javascript ES6
- Webpack
- Scss
- EsLint
- VsCode
Type in your temrinal:
- to clone
git clone
- to install dependencies
npm install
- to build the project suing webpack
npm run build
- to run the dev server
npm start
Go to Open Weather and subscribe for an API key, and substitute it in the weather.js
Go to Pexels and subscribe for an API key, and substitute it in the city.js
- open a browser and go to
- type a city in the input field and click search to get weather info;
- Click on the degrees to change Celsius to Fahreneit and viceversa;
- Enjoy weather info;
👤 Illuminato Salvatore
- Twitter: @ioilmio
- Github: @ioilmio
- LinkedIn @IlluminatoSalvatore
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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