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TheAngryByrd committed Sep 4, 2024
1 parent 4c5a7b6 commit 34cc98a
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Showing 3 changed files with 206 additions and 93 deletions.
283 changes: 190 additions & 93 deletions test/FsAutoComplete.Tests.Lsp/CodeLensTests.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module FsAutoComplete.Tests.CodeLens

open FsAutoComplete.Utils
open Expecto
open FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
open Helpers
Expand All @@ -12,119 +13,215 @@ open Utils.CursorbasedTests
open Utils.Tests.TextEdit
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
open Helpers.Expecto.ShadowedTimeouts
open System.IO

module private CodeLens =
let examples = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "TestCases", "CodeLensProjectTests")

module CodeLensPositionStaysAccurate =
let dir = examples </> "CodeLens_position_stays_accurate"
let project = dir </> "CodeLens_position_stays_accurate.fsproj"
let programFile = dir </> "Program.fs"

let assertNoDiagnostics (ds: Diagnostic[]) =
match ds with
| [||] -> Ok()
| ds -> Error $"Expected no diagnostics, but got %A{ds}"

let check server text checkLenses =
let getLenses (doc: Document) =
let p: CodeLensParams =
{ TextDocument = doc.TextDocumentIdentifier
PartialResultToken = None
WorkDoneToken = None }

doc.Server.Server.TextDocumentCodeLens p
|> AsyncResult.mapError string
|> (fun r -> r |> Option.defaultValue [||])

let getResolvedLenses (doc: Document) lenses =
|> List.ofArray
|> List.traverseAsyncResultA doc.Server.Server.CodeLensResolve
|> AsyncResult.mapError string

let check server text (checkLenses: Document * CodeLens list * CodeLens array * CodeLens list -> Async<unit>) =
asyncResult {
let textRange, text = text |> Text.trimTripleQuotation |> Cursor.assertExtractRange

let! (doc, diags) = Server.createUntitledDocument text server
do! assertNoDiagnostics diags

let p: CodeLensParams =
{ TextDocument = doc.TextDocumentIdentifier
PartialResultToken = None
WorkDoneToken = None }

let! lenses = doc.Server.Server.TextDocumentCodeLens p |> AsyncResult.mapError string

let! resolved =
Option.toList lenses
|> Array.concat
|> List.ofArray
|> List.traverseAsyncResultA doc.Server.Server.CodeLensResolve
|> AsyncResult.mapError string
let! lenses = getLenses doc
let! resolved = getResolvedLenses doc lenses

let lensesForRange =
|> List.filter (fun lens -> Range.overlapsStrictly textRange lens.Range)

checkLenses (doc, lensesForRange)
do! checkLenses (doc, lensesForRange, lenses, resolved)
|> AsyncResult.foldResult id (fun e -> failtest $"{e}")

let projectBasedTests state =
testList "ProjectBased" [
serverTestList ("CodeLensPositionStaysAccurate") state defaultConfigDto (Some CodeLens.CodeLensPositionStaysAccurate.dir) (fun server -> [

ftestCaseAsync "can show codelens after adding newlines to code"
<| (asyncResult {
let program = CodeLens.CodeLensPositionStaysAccurate.programFile
let! (doc, _diags) = Server.openDocument program server

let! unresolved = CodeLens.getLenses doc
let! resolved = CodeLens.getResolvedLenses doc unresolved

let references =
|> List.filter (fun lens -> lens.Command |>Option.exists (fun c -> c.Title.EndsWith "References"))
|> List.sortBy (fun lens -> lens.Range.Start.Line)

Expect.hasLength references 2 "should have a reference lens"

let lens1 = references.[0]
let lens1Range : Range = {
Start = { Line = 1u; Character = 6u }
End = { Line = 1u; Character = 20u }

Expect.equal lens1.Range lens1Range "Lens 1 should be at 1:6-1:20"

let lens2 = references.[1]
let lens2Range : Range = {
Start = { Line = 3u; Character = 6u }
End = { Line = 3u; Character = 25u }

Expect.equal lens2.Range lens2Range "Lens 2 should be at 3:6-3:25"

do! doc.Server.Server.TextDocumentDidChange({
TextDocument = doc.VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
ContentChanges = [| U2.C1 {
Range = { Start = { Line = 2u; Character = 0u }; End = { Line = 2u; Character = 0u }; }
RangeLength = None
Text = "\n\n"
} |]

let! nextLens = CodeLens.getLenses doc
let! resolvedNextLens = CodeLens.getResolvedLenses doc nextLens

let references =
|> List.filter (fun lens -> lens.Command |>Option.exists (fun c -> c.Title.EndsWith "References"))
|> List.sortBy (fun lens -> lens.Range.Start.Line)

let lens1 = references.[0]
let lens1Range : Range = {
Start = { Line = 1u; Character = 6u }
End = { Line = 1u; Character = 20u }

Expect.equal lens1.Range lens1Range "Lens 1 should be at 1:6-1:20"

let lens2 = references.[1]
let lens2Range : Range = {
Start = { Line = 5u; Character = 6u }
End = { Line = 5u; Character = 25u }

Expect.equal lens2.Range lens2Range "Lens 2 should be at 5:6-5:25"

return ()
|> AsyncResult.foldResult id (fun e -> failtest $"{e}" ))


let tests state =
serverTestList (nameof CodeLens) state defaultConfigDto None (fun server ->
[ testCaseAsync "can show codelens for type annotation"
<| CodeLens.check server """
module X =
$0let func x = x + 1$0
""" (fun (_doc, lenses) ->
Expect.hasLength lenses 2 "should have a type lens and a reference lens"
let typeLens = lenses[0]
Expect.equal typeLens.Command.Value.Title "int -> int" "first lens should be a type hint of int to int"
Expect.isNone typeLens.Command.Value.Arguments "No data required for type lenses"
Expect.equal typeLens.Command.Value.Command "" "No command for type lenses")

testCaseAsync "can show codelens for 0 reference count"
<| CodeLens.check server """
module X =
$0let func x = x + 1$0
""" (fun (_doc, lenses) ->
Expect.hasLength lenses 2 "should have a type lens and a reference lens"
let referenceLens = lenses[1]

let emptyCommand =
{ Title = "0 References"
Arguments = None
Command = "" }

Expect.equal referenceLens.Command emptyCommand "There should be no command or args for zero references")
testCaseAsync "can show codelens for multi reference count"
<| CodeLens.check server """
module X =
$0let func x = x + 1$0
let doThing () = func 1
""" (fun (doc, lenses) ->
Expect.hasLength lenses 2 "should have a type lens and a reference lens"
let referenceLens = lenses[1]
Expect.isSome referenceLens.Command "There should be a command for multiple references"
let referenceCommand = referenceLens.Command.Value
Expect.equal referenceCommand.Title "1 References" "There should be a title for multiple references"

"There should be a command for multiple references"

Expect.isSome referenceCommand.Arguments "There should be arguments for multiple references"
let args = referenceCommand.Arguments.Value
Expect.equal args.Length 3 "There should be 2 args"

let filePath, triggerPos, referenceRanges =
(args[1] :?> JObject).ToObject<Ionide.LanguageServerProtocol.Types.Position>(),
(args[2] :?> JArray)
|> (fun t -> (t :?> JObject).ToObject<Ionide.LanguageServerProtocol.Types.Location>())
|> Array.ofSeq

Expect.equal filePath doc.Uri "File path should be the doc we're checking"
Expect.equal triggerPos { Line = 1u; Character = 6u } "Position should be 1:6"
Expect.hasLength referenceRanges 1 "There should be 1 reference range for the `func` function"

{ Uri = doc.Uri
Range =
{ Start = { Line = 3u; Character = 19u }
End = { Line = 3u; Character = 23u } } }
"Reference range should be 0:0")
testCaseAsync "can show reference counts for 1-character identifier"
<| CodeLens.check server """
$0let f () = ""$0
""" (fun (_doc, lenses) ->
Expect.hasLength lenses 2 "should have a type lens and a reference lens"
let referenceLens = lenses[1]
Expect.isSome referenceLens.Command "There should be a command for multiple references"
let referenceCommand = referenceLens.Command.Value
Expect.equal referenceCommand.Title "0 References" "There should be a title for multiple references"
Expect.equal referenceCommand.Command "" "There should be no command for multiple references"
Expect.isNone referenceCommand.Arguments "There should be arguments for multiple references") ])

testList (nameof CodeLens) [
projectBasedTests state
serverTestList "scriptTests" state defaultConfigDto None (fun server ->
[ testCaseAsync "can show codelens for type annotation"
<| CodeLens.check server """
module X =
$0let func x = x + 1$0
""" (fun (_doc, lenses, _unresolved, _resolved) -> async {
Expect.hasLength lenses 2 "should have a type lens and a reference lens"
let typeLens = lenses[0]
Expect.equal typeLens.Command.Value.Title "int -> int" "first lens should be a type hint of int to int"
Expect.isNone typeLens.Command.Value.Arguments "No data required for type lenses"
Expect.equal typeLens.Command.Value.Command "" "No command for type lenses" })

testCaseAsync "can show codelens for 0 reference count"
<| CodeLens.check server """
module X =
$0let func x = x + 1$0
""" (fun (_doc, lenses, _unresolved, _resolved) -> async {
Expect.hasLength lenses 2 "should have a type lens and a reference lens"
let referenceLens = lenses[1]

let emptyCommand =
{ Title = "0 References"
Arguments = None
Command = "" }

Expect.equal referenceLens.Command emptyCommand "There should be no command or args for zero references" })
testCaseAsync "can show codelens for multi reference count"
<| CodeLens.check server """
module X =
$0let func x = x + 1$0
let doThing () = func 1
""" (fun (doc, lenses, _unresolved, _resolved) -> async {

Expect.hasLength lenses 2 "should have a type lens and a reference lens"
let referenceLens = lenses[1]
Expect.isSome referenceLens.Command "There should be a command for multiple references"
let referenceCommand = referenceLens.Command.Value
Expect.equal referenceCommand.Title "1 References" "There should be a title for multiple references"

"There should be a command for multiple references"

Expect.isSome referenceCommand.Arguments "There should be arguments for multiple references"
let args = referenceCommand.Arguments.Value
Expect.equal args.Length 3 "There should be 2 args"

let filePath, triggerPos, referenceRanges =
(args[1] :?> JObject).ToObject<Ionide.LanguageServerProtocol.Types.Position>(),
(args[2] :?> JArray)
|> (fun t -> (t :?> JObject).ToObject<Ionide.LanguageServerProtocol.Types.Location>())
|> Array.ofSeq

Expect.equal filePath doc.Uri "File path should be the doc we're checking"
Expect.equal triggerPos { Line = 1u; Character = 6u } "Position should be 1:6"
Expect.hasLength referenceRanges 1 "There should be 1 reference range for the `func` function"

{ Uri = doc.Uri
Range =
{ Start = { Line = 3u; Character = 19u }
End = { Line = 3u; Character = 23u } } }
"Reference range should be 0:0"})
testCaseAsync "can show reference counts for 1-character identifier"
<| CodeLens.check server """
$0let f () = ""$0
""" (fun (_doc, lenses, _unresolved, _resolved) -> async {
Expect.hasLength lenses 2 "should have a type lens and a reference lens"
let referenceLens = lenses[1]
Expect.isSome referenceLens.Command "There should be a command for multiple references"
let referenceCommand = referenceLens.Command.Value
Expect.equal referenceCommand.Title "0 References" "There should be a title for multiple references"
Expect.equal referenceCommand.Command "" "There should be no command for multiple references"
Expect.isNone referenceCommand.Arguments "There should be arguments for multiple references"}) ])

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


<Compile Include="Program.fs" />

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
module X =
let func x = x + 1

let doThing () = func 1

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