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Alexander Bubeck edited this page Sep 3, 2013 · 5 revisions

Following steps to setup bride for development of bride.

  • source /opt/ros/groovy/ (if not done already)
  • mkdir -p ~/git/bride_ws/src (or somewhere else)
  • cd git/bride_ws/src
  • catkin_init_workspace
  • git clone
  • cd ..
  • catkin_make
  • source devel/
  • rosrun bride eclipse

Now import the following packages using Import -> Existing Project into Workspace. From bride/bride_base import:

  • org.best_of_robotics.bride
  • org.best_of_robotics.bride.ui
  • org.best_of_robotics.transform.service
  • org.best_of_robotics.transform.service.access

Afterwards repeat the step to import from bride/bride_plugin_source/src:

  • org.best_of_robotics.bride.cdt.ros
  • org.best_of_robotics.model.datatypes
  • org.best_of_robotics.model.datatypes.edit
  • org.best_of_robotics.model.datatypes.editor
  • org.ros.model.ros
  • org.ros.model.ros.diagram
  • org.ros.model.ros_package.diagram

Now open the file org.ros.model.ros/model/ros.genmodel and select Ros. Now right click and push "Generate all".

Afterwards go to the org.ros.model.ros.diagram/model/ folder and open the ros.gmfgen file. Right-click the first item and select "Generate diagram code". Repeat the same for the files ros_package.gmfgen and ros_coordinator.gmfgen.

Now select Run Configurations from the "Run" menu. Double click "Eclipse Application" and give the application a name (e.g. "BRIDE Development"). Press "Apply" and then "Run". You now have a BRIDE instance running based on the code you develop in the parent instance.