This small unix tool aims to make it easy to check if an http endpoint is reachable. It waits for a http endpoint to be reachable and return with "http.StatusOK".
go install
> go-poll-endpoint --help
Usage of go-poll-endpoint:
-ep string
which http endpoint path to hit (default "/version")
-host string
the multiaddr host to dial on (default "/ip4/")
-tout duration
how long to wait between attempts (default 1s)
-tries int
how many tries to make before failing (default 10)
-v verbose logging
> go-poll-endpoint -v
19:11:45.285 DEBUG pollEndpoi: starting at %s, tries: %d, timeout: %s, url: %s2017-09-23 19:11:45.285640066 +0200 CEST m=+0.001535252 10 1s {http <nil> /version false } go-poll-endpoint.go:57
19:11:45.286 DEBUG pollEndpoi: ok - endpoint reachable with 10 tries remaining, took 565.206µs go-poll-endpoint.go:63
> go-poll-endpoint
> echo $?