Signs API calls to SberCloud.Advanced with AK/SK
This script is a courtesy of @sadpdtchr
Sometimes there is a need to manuall call SberCloud.Advanced API of a certain cloud service.
According to the documentation, a request can be authenticated either by a temporary security token or by Access Key and Secret Key (AK/SK).
This script implements the second option: it signs the request with AK/SK.
It uses the standard Python SDK for that available here.
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] --uri URI --method METHOD --ak AK --sk SK [--content CONTENT] [--xdomainid XDOMAINID]
Makes SberCloud.Advanced API call signed by AK and SK.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--uri URI URI for the call. Includes cloud service endpoint and URI. May include Project ID for some calls
--method METHOD REST method, see API description for your cloud service
--ak AK Access Key
--sk SK Secret Key
--content CONTENT File with request content in JSON format, optional
--xdomainid XDOMAINID Root account id (X-Domain-Id), optional
You don't need any request body for this GET request, so you can omit the content parameter. You don't need the xdomainid parameter as well.
$ python3 --ak Your_AK_here --sk Your_SK_here --method GET --uri
This is how your request should look like:
$ python3 --ak A5...CL --sk mn...gj --method GET --uri
Here you need to provide the request body, which will describe your ECS:
$ python3 --ak Your_AK_here --sk Your_SK_here --method POST --uri --content ecs.json
This very call (as well as some other IAM-related calls) requires you to provide the domain id of your root account, even if you execute this call from under the root account itself. Thus you must add the xdomainid parameter:
$ python3 --ak Your_AK_here --sk Your_SK_here --method POST --uri --content policy.json --xdomainid Your_Domain_ID_here
The script requires python3 with the following modules:
- typing
- requests
- argparse
- json
- pprint
- apig_sdk (you get this one from here)
Just clone the repo. Install apig_sdk. Then execute the script as shown earlier:
$ python3 -h
Or, you could make it executable:
$ chmod u+x
$ ./ -h