Skeleton for starting an Ansible project following "best-pratices".
You can run this example using the following command :
ansible-playbook -i inventory/staging playbooks/main.yml
Running for the first time (in the tests/roles/myrole directory) :
cd tests/roles/myrole ;
vagrant up ;
Then, you will have to open two terminal on the same working directory. First terminal will be connecting to the virtual machine where you want to test, using SSH :
vagrant ssh ;
specs ; # will download Ansible
The second terminal will be synchronizing your playbooks into the virtual machine :
cd tests/roles/myrole ;
vagrant rsync-auto
You are ready to go :-)
Executing your playbooks and tests (assertions) : In the terminal connected to the virtual machine via SSH. You can run the command :
specs -p # -p option avoid to download Ansible in order to execute tests faster
Please find more documentation one the rolespec github page :
Now that your playbooks look's ready, you can test it on a full environnement (no VM), where it will be executed. Check that everything is working as you wish, and go back to step 2 if you find some bugs.
- [Ansible : Filters string] (
- [Ansible : test driven developpement] (
- [Ansible : best pratices] (
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