Because coming up with a name for our group was ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY.
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####Default Admin user####
Username: Admin
Password: amos
##Assignment 1:
Please see release v1.0 for the Assignment 1 source code
A working demo of Assignment 1 can be found here
##Assignment 2:
Please see release v2.0 for the Assignment 2 source code
A working demo of Assignment 2 can be found here
##Assignment 4:
Please see release v4.0 for the Assignment 4 source code
A working demo of Assignment 4 can be found here
##Assignment 5:
Please see release v5.0 for the Assignment 5 source code
A working demo of Assignment 5 can be found here
##Assignment 6:
Please see release v6.0 for the Assignment 6 source code
A working demo of Assignment 6 can be found here