Erlang Request is a port of Mikeal Rogers's ubiquitous and excellent request package to Erlang.
Fetch a resource the Erlangy synchronous way:
-import(request, [request/1]).
case request("")
of {error, Error} ->
io:format("Got an error: ~p\n", [Error])
; {Response, Body} ->
io:format("Got ~w, headers: ~p\n", [Response:statusCode(), Response.headers()]),
io:format("Body: ~p\n", [Body]) % or Response:body()
io:format("Request complete\n")
Or fetch a resource the Javascripty asynchronous way:
Pid = request("", fun
(error, Error) ->
io:format("Got an error: ~p\n", [Error])
; (Response, Body) ->
io:format("Got a ~w, type ~s\n", [Response:statusCode(), Response:headers('content-type')]),
io:format("~s\n", [Body])
io:format("Request is in-flight as ~p\n", [Pid])
More advanced usage works like JavaScript request. The first parameter is an EJSON object. Send a resource:
request:put({[ {uri,'/some/resource.xml'}, {body,"<foo><bar/></foo>"} ]}, fun
(error, Er) ->
io:format("XML PUT failed: ~p\n", [Er])
; (Res, Body) ->
io:format("Stored the XML; HTTP status was ~w\n", [Res:statusCode()])
To work with JSON, set options.json
to true
. Request will set the Content-Type
and Accept
headers, and handle parsing and serialization to and from mochijson.
request:post({[{url,"/db"}, {body,"{\"relaxed\":true}"}, {json,true}]}, fun on_response/2)
on_response(error, Er) ->
on_response(Res, Body) ->
{[{id, Id}]} = Body,
io:format("Server ok, id = ~w\n", [Id]).
Or, use this shorthand version (pass data into the json
option directly):
request({[ {method,'POST'}, {url,"/db"}, {json,{[ {relaxed,true} ]}} ]}, fun on_response/2)
Like Node.js request, you can be called back immediately when the response (status and headers) arrives. Next, run the given function to receive body data.
Url = "",
{Response, Get_body} = request({[ {url,Url}, {onResponse,true} ]})
case Response:statusCode() of
200 -> stream_body(1, Get_body);
_ -> io:format("Couch said no\n")
stream_body(Line_number, Get_body) ->
case Get_body() of
'end' ->
io:format("End of body.\n");
Data ->
io:format("Chunk ~w: ~s\n", [Line_number, Data]),
stream_body(Line_number + 1, Get_body)
Erlang Request is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.