Andor's Trail Directory is web encyclopedia located at, with goal to map and fully describe Android game Andor's Trail.
I made it, because I couldn't find accurate list of equipment, witch will include item from new 0.7 version of game.
This app generates pages directly from source files, witch are in easy-to-read JSON and XML format. I parset files into my database, so it could be ordered and filtered. However the process is automatic a there are just few user input. But every data came from source files and nothing is added manually, except of name of location, witch i need to rewrite, so it could be readable not only for computer.
This app is written in PHP and uses Nette framework and Kdyby/Console addon. I use MySQL database as data storage.
My idea was use console scprits to import data from game source files to database. Scripts can be found in app/commnads directory. Then use framework to generate web pages and save that pages, so nothing is generated, unless there has been change. Generated pages can be found in render.
Andor's Trail is quest-driven Roguelike fantasy dungeon crawler RPG with a powerful story on Android, with open source code (GPL).
If you want more information about game, please visit the official game page on Google Play or the main game forum. There is also a Git Hub page if you are interested in game source code.
You can contact me by e-mail: