2D spaceships arcade-style game
DISCLAIMER: All assets are stolen from Google Images and will be replaced with original content or properly acquired content later.
IMPORTANT: To simply play the game, download the spaceships/release folder and run the executable "Spaceships.exe" (This should work, but I am not sure if some of the dependencies are properly linked)
Consume powerups by colliding with them. Question mark powerups give the player a random bonus, while up-arrow powerups upgrade the player's spaceship.
OTHER INFO: Some projectiles move slower or faster than others. This is because the projectile's initial velocity and trajectory is dependent upon that of the spaceship which fired it.
This is still a work-in-progress. Current to-do list:
-clean up powerup situation
-make some powerups more rare
-work out maximum values for powerups (the current system is spaghetti and very arbitrary)
-bring more order to the PowerUpFactory
-add more user spaceships
-add lasers
-maybe tweak gravitational constant
-get new artwork?
W: accelerate forward
S: accelerate back
A: accelerate left
D: accelerate right
Q: rotate counter-clockwise
E: rotate clockwise
[: fire bullet
]: fire torpedo
;: lay mine
If anyone has questions or suggestions, please email millerij@dukes.jmu.edu