AuthScreens application is a mobile application user interface for managing one's user authentication User screens exploring different user screens required for a kind of application.
Packages we are using:
- flutter_svg: link
We design 3 screens first one is a welcome screen like then user open your app it shows then users have two options, if he has an account then press the login button and it just shifts him to the login screen or if he or she don't have an account then press signup button its transfers to the signup screen.
- Flutter
- Dart
- GitFlow
- Linters
- Documented Work
Clone Repository using
OR using HTTPS
move into project directory
cd AuthScreens-one
Install Project dependancies using pub
flutter pub get
launch project locally on real device or Emulator
flutter run
- GitHub: @isaacpitwa
- Twitter: @isaacpitwa
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn