Start with:
Business Problem and Problem Statement ==> Understand and write them Objectives and Constraints ==> related with project To predict Customer Satisfaction score for a given order based on given features like price, item_description, delivery_time and status……many more This given problem can be solved either by:
- Multi-Class Classification Problem, where in we can predict score [1,2,3,4,5] but what to do with 3 maybe remove them but what if there count is more
- Binary Classification Problem, where in we can predict 0 as -ve or 1 as +ve)
- Regression Problem where in we can go for predicting scores Easy steps:
EDA(Univariate,Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis)+ data cleaning: check duplicate & missing data Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value Analysis Current status: revenue (YoY) order volume customer order numbers
- first_purchase_month -what is the median order price for customers who have X number of orders -box plot: average spend per order top product categories number of items per order Customer satisfaction: average review score over time top 3 & bottom 3 items score Recommendation: concern with current status increase purchase frequency increase order value increase customer satisfaction Advanced steps:
Correlation Data Preprocessing + Feature Engineering use Random Model, Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression as a baseline model use Auto-Encoder Deep Learning model to extract few features Model Selection (Prediction):SVM, Decision Tree, Random-Forest, XG-Boost, Cat-BoosT, Stacking Model maybe Voting Classifier Summary Deployment: deployed Best model using Streamlit Improvements to Existing Approach Machine Learning is playing a vital role in e-commerce and helping in:
Customer lifetime value (CLV) Sales prediction Next order prediction Product recommendation Review prediction Sentiment analysis Sentiment Analysis with customer review:
Data Wrangling:
- Load Data
- Remove Missing Data
- Label Sentiment Pre Processing:
- Clear Text
- Apply Stemming
- Remove Stop Word Modeling:
- Logistic Regression -NOTE:
- the fit_transform() function gives the same result as the function fit() and the transform() function
- fit_transform() function only acts on training data, transform() acts on test data, and predict() acts on test data.
- fit() performs or completes the training step, transform() changes the data in the pipeline to pass it on to the next stage in the pipeline, and fit_transform() does both the fitting and the transforming in one possibly short step. Evaluate:
- Metrics
- Curve ROC Hyperparametes Optimization:
- Random Search
- Grid Search References: