This is a ROS package for subscribing or publishing to topics using Kafka.
Parameter | Info | Default |
bootstrap_server | IP of kafka server | "localhost:9092" |
kafka_topic | topic name found in Kafka | "test" |
ros_topic | topic name found in ROS | "test" |
msg_type | full ROS message name | "std_msgs/String" |
Currently std_msgs/String, geometry_msgs/Twist and sensor_msgs/Image are supported. You can add any message type by adding the import to the file and then changing the parameter in the launch file.
$ roslaunch ros_kafka_connector ros_publish.launch
After updating the launch file with the correct settings for your topic, you can test it by pubishing a json to your kafka topic using a kafka publisher. The String message json is simple: {'data': 'Hello world!'}
You could also send the message to the kafka server through python with the following script.
$ pip install kafka-python
from kafka import KafkaProducer
kafka_topic = 'test'
msg = 'Hello World!'
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers="localhost:9092", value_serializer=lambda x: json.dumps(x).encode('ascii'))
producer.send(kafka_topic, {'data': msg}) # 'data' is part of the string message definition
$ roslaunch ros_kafka_connector kafka_publish.launch
To test this node you can simply type...
$ roscore
$ rostopic pub -r 3 /test std_msgs/String "data: 'Hello World!'"
This will output the hello world at 3 hz to the "/test" ROS topic. To confirm this works you can open up another terminal and type in "rostopic echo /test" which should show you the same message is being published to ROS. This message should also be published to the Kafka topic.