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An F# Type provider that generates types suitable for routing in a web application.


let routes = """
  GET projects/{projectId} as getProject
  PUT projects/{foo:string} as updateProject
  POST projects/{projectId:int} as createProject
  GET projects/{projectId}/comments/{commentId} as getProjectComments
let outputPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "\MyRoutes.fs"

type Dummy = IsakSky.RouteProvider<
    "MyRoutes", // name of generated type
    routes,     // string of routes to base routes on
    false,      // add a generic input type?
    false,      // add a generic output type?

open MyNamespace.MyModule

let router : MyRoutes =
  { getProject = fun p -> printfn "Hi project %d" p
    updateProject = fun ps -> printfn "Hi project string %s" ps
    getProjectComments = fun p c -> printfn "Hi project comment %d %d" p c
    createProject = fun p -> printfn "Creating project %d" p
    notFound = None }
// You can also use ```MyRoutes.Router``` to create the router, which may be more IDE friendly.

You can use int64, int, Guid, or string as type annotations. The default is int64.

Now we can use the router like this:

router.DispatchRoute("GET", "projects/4321/comments/1234) // You can also pass a System.Uri
-> "You asked for project 4321 and comment 1234"

You can also build paths in a typed way like this:

let url = MyNamespace.MyModule.getProjectComments 123L 4L
-> "/projects/123/comments/4"

To integrate with the web library you are using, you can specify how the dispatch method should be generated by changing the values for inputType and returnType:

inputType returnType Dispatch method signature
false false member DispatchRoute : verb:string * uri:Uri -> unit
false true member DispatchRoute : verb:string * uri:Uri -> 'TReturn
true true member DispatchRoute : context:'TContext * verb:string * uri:Uri -> 'TReturn


RouteProvider can be installed via Nuget:

Install-Package RouteProvider -Pre


Example using Suave, utilizing both input and return types:


Brief demo in visual studio:

Comparison with other approaches

Project Route definition mechanism Bidirectional? Type safety
ASP.NET MVC Reflection on attributes and method naming conventions No Limited
Freya Uri Templates Yes None
Suave.IO F# sprintf format string No Yes
bidi (Clojure) Data Yes None
Ruby on Rails Internal Ruby DSL Yes None
Yesod (Haskell) Types generated from Route DSL via Template Haskell Yes Full
RouteProvider Types generated from Route DSL via #F Type Provider Yes Full


You can install it via Nuget:

Install-Package RouteProvider -Pre

How does it work?

It generates FSharp code and saves it to disk to the path you specify. For example, if you wanted to make a router for the following route definitions:

let routes = """
  GET projects/{projectId} as getProject
  GET projects/{projectId}/comments/{commentId} as getProjectComments
  PUT projects/{projectId:int} as updateProject
  GET projects/statistics
  GET people/{name:string} as getPerson

RouteProvider would then generate the following code:

namespace MyNamespace

open System
module MyModule =
  let getProject (projectId:int64) =
      "projects/" + projectId.ToString()
  let getProjectComments (projectId:int64) (commentId:int64) =
      "projects/" + projectId.ToString() + "comments/" + commentId.ToString()
  let updateProject (projectId:int) =
      "projects/" + projectId.ToString()
  let GET__projects_statistics  =
  let getPerson (name:string) =
      "people/" + name

  module Internal =
    let fakeBaseUri = new Uri("http://a.a")

    exception RouteNotMatchedException of string * string

  type MyRoutes<'TContext, 'TReturn> =
    { getProject: 'TContext->int64->'TReturn
      getProjectComments: 'TContext->int64->int64->'TReturn
      updateProject: 'TContext->int->'TReturn
      GET__projects_statistics: 'TContext->'TReturn
      getPerson: 'TContext->string->'TReturn
      notFound: ('TContext->string->string->'TReturn) option }

    member inline private this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path) =
      match this.notFound with
      | None -> raise (Internal.RouteNotMatchedException (verb, path))
      | Some(notFound) -> notFound context verb path

    member this.DispatchRoute(context:'TContext, verb:string, path:string) : 'TReturn =
      let parts = path.Split('/')
      let start = if parts.[0] = "" then 1 else 0
      let endOffset = if parts.Length > 0 && parts.[parts.Length - 1] = "" then 1 else 0
      match parts.Length - start - endOffset with
      | 4 ->
        if String.Equals(parts.[0 + start],"projects") then
          let mutable projectId = 0L
          if Int64.TryParse(parts.[1 + start], &projectId) then
            if String.Equals(parts.[2 + start],"comments") then
              let mutable commentId = 0L
              if Int64.TryParse(parts.[3 + start], &commentId) then
                if verb = "GET" then this.getProjectComments context projectId commentId
                else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
              else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
            else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
          else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
        else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
      | 2 ->
        if String.Equals(parts.[0 + start],"people") then
          if verb = "GET" then this.getPerson context (parts.[1 + start])
          else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
        elif String.Equals(parts.[0 + start],"projects") then
          let mutable int64ArgDepth_1 = 0L
          let mutable intArgDepth_1 = 0
          if String.Equals(parts.[1 + start],"statistics") then
            if verb = "GET" then this.GET__projects_statistics context
            else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
          elif Int64.TryParse(parts.[1 + start], &int64ArgDepth_1) then
            if verb = "GET" then this.getProject context int64ArgDepth_1
            else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
          elif Int32.TryParse(parts.[1 + start], &intArgDepth_1) then
            if verb = "PUT" then this.updateProject context intArgDepth_1
            else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
          else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
        else this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)
      | _ ->
        this.HandleNotFound(context, verb, path)

    member this.DispatchRoute(context:'TContext, verb:string, uri:Uri) : 'TReturn =
      // Ensure we have an Absolute Uri, or just about every method on Uri chokes
      let uri = if uri.IsAbsoluteUri then uri else new Uri(Internal.fakeBaseUri, uri)
      let path = uri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.Unescaped)
      this.DispatchRoute(context, verb, path)



A type provider for web routing. Status: Probably a bad idea.








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