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Pleiades Update Overlays


In several content development projects (DARMC coordinate imports, Scott Vanderbilt's buildout of Hadrian's Wall milecastles, etc) work we've scripted broad, bulk updates to Pleiades places, locations, and names (henceforth "objects") using variations on the Pleiades dump format as input data formats. To open this avenue of bulk updates to more Pleiades partners we document herein what we will call the Pleiades Update Overlay Format (or Overlay Format, for short). This format is designed for Pleiades users who would like to create or update 40-1000 objects at a time.

Overlay Process

An object overlay consists of an array of key:value pairs (or items) where the keys correspond to editable attributes of an object. The 'id' item identifies the Pleiades object and the 'version' item identifies the version of that object for which the overlay is intended. Multiple object overlays using the same set of items can be collected and applied as a batch. These batches are submitted in the form of a CSV file.

For example, the following overlay changes the description of version 3 of Pleiades place 109390 (thereby creating a new version, 4) to "The territory of an ancient Gallic people." and credits the contribution to two Pleiades users:

id: 109390
version: 3
description: "The territory of an ancient Gallic people."
creators: user1, user2

The overlay would be delivered to Pleiades in the form of the following CSV file:

109390,3,"The territory of an ancient Gallic people.","user1, user2"

Other overlays can be sent as additional rows in the same file. On the Pleiades side, the overlay is extracted from the CSV file and the history of place 109390 is checked. If the current version is 3, the key:value items are applied to the object and it is recataloged. If the current version does not match the one in the overlay, the overlay is "stale". At the present time, we must reject such stale overlays and send them back to their source to be refreshed.

Overlay Format Specification

The names of keys, the types of their values, and whether and when they are required are explained here.

All keys and values must be encoded as UTF-8.

1. Identification Items

id: string required, n/a for new locations or names

The local id or short name for the object. For overlays that create new objects, the value MUST be prefaced with a single underscore so that it may be referred to by other overlays. The leading underscore is the way we communicate that a new object is to be created. For new places, the characters after the underscore are disregarded: an id is assigned by Pleiades. When creating new places, there's no point in setting this value to anything other than "_". For names and locations, there are 2 different paths to creating ids:

  • A value of "_" may be provided, in which case a short name for the new object will be created from the given "title" item (see below). This is exactly how things work in the forms on the Pleiades web site.
  • A value of "_some_text_here" may be provided, in which case a short name for the object is made from the string "some_text_here". All characters will be converted to lowercase and all non-alphanumberic characters will be converted to a single dash. This allows, for example, creation of a new location with title "Point Location of Fort (Approx.)" and short name "fort-location" (from "_fort location" or "_fort_location").
pid: number required for locations and names, n/a for places
The id of the parent place.
version: number required for updates, n/a for new overlays
The base version to which the overlay is to be applied. Not required for overlays that will create new objects.

2. Common Overlay Items

creators: string required
A comma-separated list of Pleiades usernames for contributors to the overlay data. These will be appended to the object metadata.
description: string required for new overlays
A single paragraph describing the object, avoiding newlines, identation, and other formatting. This replaces the existing value.
tags: string
A comma-separated list of object tags that replaces the existing value.
title: string required for new overlays
A short title for the object, avoiding punctuation when possible. The short name (or "id") of an object is usually formed from these titles. Replaces the existing value.
initialProvenance: string required for new overlays, n/a for updates
Identifies the pre-Pleiades origins of data in the overlays. For places, this has generally been something like "BAtlas 11 G2 Fliessem-Otrang." For new locations coming from a published dataset this might be "OpenStreetMap Node: X (version Y, changeset Z)."
details: text
Multiple lines of text about the place, location, or name. Something like compiler's introduction to a map in the Barrington Atlas's map-by-map directory is what we're looking for: not just telling the story of a place, but also the story of how we've organized knowledge about the place. Replaces the existing value.
references: JSON array
References to append to the existing ones. A reference is a 3 part thing and shall be formatted as a comma-separated list of Link, Label, Type enclosed within square brackets. Links are HTTP URIs, DOIs, ISSNs, or other such standard unique identifiers such as "". Labels are the familiar short citations like "Plin. NH, 3.13", and Type is "see also", "see further" (for places), "cites", or "cites as evidence". Multiple references can be encoded as a comma-separated list of these square bracketed items. See example at the end of this document and see also the Pleiades citation guide:

3. Additional Overlay Items for Locations and Names

timePeriods: string required for new locations, names; n/a for places
A comma-separated list of time periods identifiers such as "archaic,classical" from the controlled vocabulary at Replaces the existing value.

4. Additional Overlay Items for Locations

geometry: JSON object
Geometry and coordinates in GeoJSON format (Note: longitude, latitude order!). Replaces the existing value.
featureTypes: string
A comma-separated list of feature type identifiers such as "settlement, temple" from the controlled vocabulary at Replaces the existing value.
paaid: string required for new overlays
The id of the overlay's proper positional accuracy assessment document, such as "generic-osm-accuracy-assessment" for

5. Additional Overlay Items for Names

nameAttested: string required for new overlays
Attested spelling of ancient name, not necessarily the same as the "title." Replaces the existing value.
nameLanguage: string required for new overlays
Short identifier for language and writing system associated with the attested spelling (such as "akk" – Akkadian, or "la" – Latin) from the controlled vocabulary at Replaces the existing value.
nameTransliterated: string required for new overlays
Comma-separated list of transliteration(s) or romanizations of the attested name to Roman characters following the Classical Atlas Project scheme. For example: "Rabḍ al-Ḫandaq, Chandax". Replaces the existing values.

6. Additional Overlay Items for Places

connectsWith: string
A comma-separated list of numeric ids of other places to which this one connects. Replaces the existing value.
featureTypes: string
A comma-separated list of feature type identifiers such as "settlement, temple" from the controlled vocabulary at Replaces the existing value.

Overlay Examples

Adding a New Location to a Place

To add a new point location citing OpenStreetMap to a place:

pid: 462310
id: -1
title: Domus Romana
description: West corner of the museum built on the site of a Roman Villa. Time periods following the Barrington Atlas (BAtlas 47 inset Melita).
paaid: generic-osm-accuracy-assessment
timePeriods: classical, hellenistic-republican
featureTypes: villa
geometry: { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 14.4001243, 35.8851671 ] }
references: ["", "osm:node=385317114", "Cites"]
initialProvenance: OpenStreetMap Node: 385317114 (version 1, changeset 976247)

The result, a new location (version 1) at /places/462310/domus-romana, might have its details field updated like so:

id: domus-romana
version: 1
pid: 462310
details: This villa was uncovered in 1920.
references: ["", "Domus Romana Museum Website, Heritage Malta", "See Further"]

Adding a Place and a Location Simultaneously

The overlays:

id: _1
title: Road Station
description: An unnamed road station between A and B.

pid: _1
title: NW corner
description: the NW corner of the site.
timePeriods: archaic, classical
featureTypes: station
paaid: survey-of-site-x-2010
geometry: { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 14.4001243, 35.8851671 ] }
references: ...
initialProvenance: ...

And the CSV file:

_1,,Road Station,An unnamed road station between A and B.,...
,_1,NW corner,the NW corner of the site.,...

Example Scripts



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