This repository is for the Caffe-based Object Classification and Annotation (COCA) project, which uses convolutional neural networks to find structures in image data.
The general approach is to apply a sliding window detector to classify individual pixels/voxels in a 3D volume of image data. The effort initially began as an exercise in reproducing the results from Ciresan et. al. 2012 and evolved into a wrapper that performs data augmentation for Caffe.
In order to use this package, one must first have Caffe (and the associated Python API, termed "pycaffe") installed. Note that pycaffe evolves over time so depending upon your particular version some minor code surgery may be required. As of May 2015 this code has been verified to work with Caffe versions:
- Development branch October 3, 2014
- Main branch May 28, 2015 (after applying this Caffe patch )
You must also supply data for training and test.
There are three main files that comprise COCA:
- Used to train new Caffe models.
- Evaluates new data using previously trained Caffe models.
- Helper functions used by the train and deploy scripts.
You should only need to interact with and (unless you want to change how things work under the hood). Both and are meant to be run from the command line; use the "-h" flag to see available command line options, e.g.
pekalmj1-ml1:coca pekalmj1$ python -h
[--valid-slices VALIDSLICESEXPR]
[--snapshot-prefix SNAPPREFIX] [--omit-labels OMITLABELS]
[--rotate-data ROTATEDATA]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SOLVER Caffe solver prototxt file to use for training
-gpu GPU Specifies GPU device ID to use (implies use Caffe in
GPU mode)
-X TRAINFILENAME Filename of the training data volume
-Y LABELSFILENAME Filename of the training labels volume
-M MASKFILENAME Filename of the voxel mask volume (optional)
--train-slices TRAINSLICESEXPR
A python-evaluatable string indicating which slices should be used for training
--valid-slices VALIDSLICESEXPR
A python-evaluatable string indicating which slices should be used for validation
--snapshot-prefix SNAPPREFIX
(optional) override the "snapshot_prefix" in the solver file
--omit-labels OMITLABELS
(optional) list of labels to omit
--rotate-data ROTATEDATA
(optional) set to 1 to apply arbitrary rotations to tiles
For one example of how to use COCA with real data, please see the vesicle project. In particular, see the code/vesicle-cnn directory.