Run demo.ahk.
- Download Vis2.
- Create a new AHK script in the same folder as Vis2.ahk, copying the code below.
#include <Vis2>
MsgBox % OCR("")
- Run the new AHK script. You should see a MsgBox with OCR Text. Press
to exit. Visit the image link to confirm the OCR is working correctly.
When you see the popup "Optical Character Recognition Tool", click and drag. If you press the right mouse button while holding down LButton you can reposition the rectangle. My personal suggestion is to bind OCR() to a mouse button instead of #c.
Go to and place your desired languages in bin/tessdata_best. Go to and place your desired languages in bin/tessdata_fast.
Fast is used in the interactive GUI implementation, while best will be used for other cases. See below for what I mean.
#c:: OCR(, "fra") ; French (requires fast fra.traineddata)
#x:: OCR(, "eng+fra") ; English and French
MsgBox % OCR("", "rus+eng") ; Requires best eng.traineddata and rus.traineddata.
While using #c:: OCR()
you can press Ctrl
, Alt
, or Shift
to enter Advanced Mode. (You should see a pink pop up.) While in this mode, press Ctrl
+ Space
to see a preview of the preprocessed image. Press Alt
+ Space
to get the coordinates of the grey rectangle. Holding Ctrl
and LButton
will allow you to resize the corners of the box. Shift
and LButton
will resize edges. Alt
and LButton
to draw a new rectangle.
The same rules apply for ImageIdentify()
Example: Pressing Ctrl
+ Win
+ c
will allow the user to manually select an area on screen to OCR.
#^c:: OCR()
To input a set of known coordinates, try inputting an array of 4 values, [x, y, w, h]
text := OCR([0, 0, 430, 150])
This will search the screen from point (0, 0) extending in a rectangle of width 430 pixels and height 150 px.
File name can be an absolute or relative path
text := OCR("myImage.jpg")
text := OCR("C:\image.png")
The image will be downloaded and OCRed. You may experience a delay depending on the image size.
text := OCR("")
You may enter a native AHK window type such as "ahk_class notepad", "ahk_exe", "ahk_id", "ahk_pid", or the exact name of the window. Reference
Example: 1) Open a new Notepad window. Type some text. Then run the following code.
MsgBox % OCR("Untitled - Notepad")
Note that only the client area is extracted, so the window border of Notepad is ignored.
If you know the window ID, or hwnd, you may use it as well. Note that this is equivalent to OCR("ahk_id" hWnd)
A sample script where you have to search for the text 'Vis2' on screen.
if ((text := OCR()) = "Vis2")
MsgBox You have successfully used OCR!
MsgBox You have found [ %text% ] `, try finding 'Vis2' instead.