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XRPN Documentation
Welcome to the XRPN wiki :)
Here is the documentation for the programming language.
First off: XRPN is a superset of FOCAL (Forty One CALculator Language). The bulk of the documentation is found in the user manuals for the HP-41CX calculator (Vol 1 & Vol 2).
XRPN accepts both the original HP-41 command and also the XRPN format. Since XRPN has a limit on certain characters used in the commands, the system internally converts some of the HP-41 commands to the XRPN equivalent. While the internal functions/commands in XRPN are lower case, you are free to write them in UPPER, lower or CaMeL case as you wish.
Usage: xrpn [options]
-e, --execute string Interpret string as program and run
-f, --file program Specify the file to process
-l, --load program(s) File(s) to load, but not run
-s, --state STATE Load a State file
-c, --check program Program file to check for errors
-x, --X X-value Set initial value in the X register
-y, --Y Y-value Set initial value in the Y register
-z, --Z Z-value Set initial value in the Z register
-t, --T T-value Set initial value in the T register
-a, --Alpha Alpha-string Set initial string in Alpha
-h Display SHORT help text
--help Display LONG help text
-v, --version Display the XRPN version number
A program can be run by supplying a program file (option -f
), by supplying a string with commands separated by commas (option -e
) or by starting xrpn without any options and keying in the program manually.
Using the -e
option, you could do e.g. xrpn -e "43, sin, 1/x, prx"
You can also pipe a string into xrpn like this: echo "1,2,+,4,*,prx" | xrpn
When you load a program, comments are removed. A comment starts with a TAB, then a semicolon and a space and then whatever, like: 005 SEEKPTA ; This is a comment
(pretending that the two spaces in front of the semicolon is actualy a TAB character (\t).
You can use any name for registers or flags (e.g. STO "MYREG" or SF "MyFlag" is perfectly fine). Any register or flag value from 0 to 9 will be converted to "00" to "09" for backward compatibility with the HP-41 system.
Indirect adressing is implemented. Any command that can sanely be used with "IND" will handle the indirection (e.g. SF IND 01, XEQ IND X or GTO IND "TEST").
XRPN works with Pages to accommodate for sets of programs. When you load a new program with GETP, a new Page is created for that program. You can delete a program with CLP (CLear Program) or by deleting that page with PAGEDEL. See the Pages commands below.
When the program halts (encountering a STOP command in the program) or when XRPN is started without any program file name (e.g. XRPN -f myprog.txt
), XRPN enters a "debug mode". Pressing Enter will resume the program (as with pressing R/S on the HP-41). A single Enter will do nothing if no program was loaded with -f. The other debug commands are listed below. You can also manually enter any command using the HP-41 mnemonic or the XRPN counterpart (e.g. to swap X and Y, enter X<>Y or SWAP and press Enter). To enter a number, simply key in the number and press Enter. To enter a string into Alpha, enclose the string in single-quotes (or double-quotes) and press Enter (e.g. 'Hello World!' and Enter). To append characters to the Alpha register, start the string with a pipe (|) or a pipe and a minus (|-) as this mimics the "append character" of the HP-41. Example: If Alpha contains the string "Test" and you write '| Now' and press Enter, Alpha will then contain "Test Now".
Here is a list of possible commands when in debug mode:
Command | What it does |
q | Quit XRPN without saving any settings in a configuration file |
Q | Quit XRPN, saving your flags, registers and programs in ~/.xrpn/conf |
S xxx | Save everything in a "state" file named xxx (no quoting for the xxx) |
c | Clear the screen |
C | Clear stack, flags, registers - and the screen |
R | Reload all commands in ~/.xrpn/cmd |
l | Show current program line |
n | Show next program line |
p | Show previous program line |
S | Go to the next line without executing it |
s | Execute next program line (as with SST on the HP-41) |
b | Go back one program line (as with BST on the HP-41) |
++ xxx | Insert line with content xxx |
-- | Delete current program line |
> xxx | Save state to a file named xxx (in the .xrpn directory) |
< xxx | Load state from a file named xxx (in the .xrpn directory) |
(Enter) | A single Enter will act as an ENTER (lift the stack) |
r | Terminates the debug mode and commences running the current program |
The output to console is themable. The theme is set to work in a dark terminal by default. If you are using a light background in your terminal, add $theme = "light"
in the .xrpn/conf
You can even make your own theme by copying .xrpn/theme_example
to a new file .xrpn/theme
and change the 256 color codes to suit your fancy. That new file will override the dark or light theme in the xlib
folder (and disregard your setting in .xrpn/conf
, whether it is $theme = "dark"
or $theme
= "light").
HP-41 command | XRPN command | Short explanation |
ABS | abs | Return absolute value of X to X |
ACOS | acos | Return Arc COS of X to X |
ADATE | adate | Return a formatted date in X to Alpha |
+ | add | Return X + Y to X |
ADV | adv | Add a line in the printout |
ALENG | aleng | Return length of Alpha string to X |
ANUM | anum | Return first number in Alpha to X |
APPCHR | appchr | Append Alpha to current XM file at pointer |
APPREC | apprec | Append Alpha as next record in XM file |
ARCL | arcl | Recall content of register named to Alpha |
ARCLREC | arclrec | Add to Alpha the next record in current XM file |
AROT | arot | Rotate Alpha at character number given in X |
ASHF | ashf | Remove the 6 left-most characters from Alpha |
ASIN | asin | Return Arc SIN of X to X |
ASTO n | asto | Store Alpha to named register |
ATAN | atan | Return Arc TAN of X to X |
ATIME | atime | Return a formatted time in X to Alpha |
ATIME24 | atime24 | Return a formatted time (as 24h time) in X to Alpha |
ATOX | atox | Return character code of first character in Alpha and remove that character |
AVIEW | aview | Print out (show) content of Alpha register |
BEEP | beep | Sound the legendary HP-41 BEEP |
CF n | cf n | Clear named flag |
CHS | chs | Swap sign of X (X becomes -X and -X becomes X) |
CLA | cla | Clear Alpha register |
CLFL | clfl | Clear content of XM file |
CLK12 | clk12 | Make time into 12h format |
CLK24 | clk24 | Make time into 24h format |
CLP | clp | Clear named program |
CLRG | clrg | Clear all registers |
CLRGX n | clrgx n | Clear a specific number of registers |
CLΣ | cls | Clear statistical data registers |
CLST | clst | Clear the stack (but not L) |
CLX | clx | Clear X |
COS | cos | Return COS of X to X |
DATE | date | Return the current date to X |
DATEPLUS | dateplus | Add the date in Y and number of days in X and return result to X |
DDATE | ddate | Return the number of days between dates in X and Y to X |
DEC | dec | Return the Decimal value of the Octal value in X |
DEG | deg | Set degree mode to "deg" (360 degrees in a circle) |
DELCHR | delchr | Delete X characters from current XM file starting at pointer |
DELREC | delrec | Delete current record from current XM file |
/ | divide | Divide Y by X |
DMY | dmy | Set date mode to DD.MMYYYY |
DOW | dow | Return Day Of Week for date in X |
D-R | d_r | Degrees to Radians conversion |
DSE n | dse n | Decrease, skip if greater using named register |
EMDIR | emdir | Print data for all XM files (name and type and size) |
EMDIRX | emdirx | Print X'th XM file (name and type and size) |
END | end | End of program |
ENTER | enter, lift | Lift stack |
E^X | exp | Natural exponent |
E^X+1 | expx1 | For arguments close to zero |
FACT | fact | Return factorial of X to X |
FC? n | fc? n | Flag clear? If not, skip next program line |
FC?C n | fcc? n | Flag clear? If not, skip next program line and clear flag |
FIX n | fix n | Fixed point display with n decimal places |
FRC | frc | Return fractional part of X to X |
FS? n | fs? n | Flag set? If not, skip next program line |
FS?C n | fsc? n | Flag set? If not, skip next program line and clear flag |
GETR | getr | Get all registers from XM data file and copy to registers |
GETREC | getrec | Get current record from current XM file, replacing content of Alpha |
GETRX | getrx | Get registers by X (bbb.eee) |
GETX | getx | Get current record in XM data file to X |
GRAD | grad | Set degree mode to GRAD (400 degrees in a circle) |
HMS | hms | Convert decimal hours to HH.MMSSsss |
HMSMINUS | hmsminus | Add hours (HH.MMSSsss) or degrees |
HMSPLUS | hmsplus | Subtract hours (HH.MMSSsss) or degrees |
HR | hr | Convert HMS to decimal hours |
INSCHR | inschr | Insert Alpha at pointer in current XM file |
INSREC | insrec | Insert Alpha before current record in XM file |
INT | int | Return integer part of X to X |
ISG n | isg n | Increase, skip if greader for named register |
LASTX | lastx | Get content of Last X (L register) to X |
LBL n | lbl n | Label in a program that you can GTO or XEQ to |
LN | ln | Natural logarithm |
LN1X | ln1x | For argumants close to 1 |
LOG | log | Logarithm with base 10 |
MDY | mdy | Set date mode to MM.DDYYYY |
MEAN | mean | Statistical mean of X and Y values (to X and Y registers) |
MOD | mod | Y modulo X |
* | multiply | Multiply X and Y |
OCT | oct | Convert decimal value in X to octal |
PCLPS | pclps | Programmable Clear Programs (current and remaining programs) |
% | percent | X percent Y |
%CH | percentch | Percentage change from Y to X |
PI | pi | Get PI to X |
POSA | posa | Find position of string in X in the Alpha register |
POSFL | posfl | Find position of string in Alpha in current XM file |
Y^X | pow | Return Y to the power of X to X |
P-R | p_r | Polar to rectangular conversion |
PRA | pra | Print Alpha |
PRP | prp, pprg | Print program |
PRX | prx | Print X |
PSE | pse | Pause program for one second |
PURFL | purfl | Purge (remove) XM file |
RAD | rad | Set degree mode to radians |
RCL n | rcl n | Recall content of named register to X |
RCLPT | rclpt | Recall the pointer for current XM file to X |
RCLPTA | rclpta | Recall the pointer for XM file (named in ALpha) to X |
R-D | r-d | Radians to degrees conversion |
RDN | rdn | Roll down the stack |
1/X | recip | Return 1/X to X |
REGMOVE | regmove | Move registers |
REGSWAP | regswap | Swap registers |
RND | rnd | Round X to current FIX number of decimal places |
R-P | r_p | Rectangular to polar conversion |
RTN | rtn | Return program pointer to the last place in the return stack |
RUP | rup | Roll up the stack |
SAVEAS | saveas | Save XM file |
SAVEP | savep | Save program |
SAVER | saver | Save all registers to XM data file |
SAVERX | saverx | Save a certain number of registers to XM data file |
SAVEX | savex | Save X to the current XM data file record |
SDEV | sdev | Standard deviation for X and Y to the X and Y registers |
SEEKPT | seekpt | Set pointer of current XM file to X |
SEEKPTA | seekpta | Set pointer of XM file named in Alpha to X |
SF n | sf n | Set flag n |
SIGN | sign | Get sign value of X to X |
SIN | sin | Return SIN of X to X |
Σ- | sminus | Delete data values from statistical accumulation |
Σ+ | splus | Add data values to statistical accumulation |
X^2 | sqr | Return square of X to X |
SQRT | sqrt | Return square root of X to X |
ΣREG n | sreg n | Set start of statistical registers to n |
ΣREG? | sreg? | Return start of statistical registers to X |
ST/ n | stdivide n | Store divide (divide the content of reg n by X in reg n) |
ST* n | stmultiply n | Store multiply (multiply the content of reg n by X in reg n) |
STO n | sto n | Store X in register n |
STOP | stop | Halt program execution (and enter "Debug mode") |
ST+ n | stplus n | Store plus (add X to the content of reg n in reg n) |
ST- n | stsubtract n | Store subtract (subtract X from the content of reg n in reg n) |
- | subtract | Subtract X from Y |
TAN | tan | Return TAN of X to X |
10^X | tenx | Return ten to the power of X to X |
TIME | time | Return to X the current time |
TONE | tone | Sound a tone (0-9) |
VIEW n | view n | View (print) the content of register n |
XEQ n | xeq n, gsb n | Jump to label n and return here after an RTN or END is encountered |
X=0? | xeq0? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X=NN? | xeqnn? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line (reg NN in Y) |
X=Y? | xeqy? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X<>F | xf | X exchange flag status (flags 0-7) |
X>0? | xgt0? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X>=NN? | xgteqnn? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X>NN? | xgtnn? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X>Y? | xgty? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X<0? | xlt0? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X<=0? | xlteq0? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X<=NN? | xlteqnn? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X<=Y? | xlteqy? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X<NN? | xltnn? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X<Y? | xlty? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X!=0? | xneq0? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X!=NN? | xneqnn? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X!=Y? | xneqy? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X<>NN n | xnn? | Exchange X and content of register n |
XTOA | xtoa | Add character from character code in X to Alpha |
X<>Y | xy, swap | Swap X and Y |
HP-41 command | Short explanation |
ALMCAT | Alarm catalog (no alarm functions implemented) |
ALMNOW | Fire alarm now (no alarm functions implemented) |
AOFF | Alpha OFF (no need, just enclose all Alpha entries in double quotes) |
AON | Alpha ON (no need, just enclose all Alpha entries in double quotes) |
ASROOM | How much room is left in XM file? (always plenty of space) |
CLALMA | Clear alarm by Alpha (no alarm functions implemented) |
CLALMX | Clear alarm by X (no alarm functions implemented) |
CLD | Clear display (no need) |
CLKEYS | Clear key assignments (no keys to clear) |
CLOCK | Show clock (no clock function) |
CLRALMS | Clear all alarms (no alarm functions implemented) |
CORRECT | Correct clock drift (no clock function) |
ED | Go to ascii file editor (no need for that) |
EMROOM | Get room left in eXtended Memory (lots and lots) |
FLSIZE | Get file size (alway plenty) |
GETSUB | Get sub program (no need - XRPN works with pages for programs) |
PACK | Pack program (always packed) |
PASN | Programmable key assignment (no keys to assign to) |
PSIZE | Programmable SIZE (no need for any sizeing) |
RCLAF | Recall clock accuracy factor (no clock function) |
RCLSW | Recall stopwatch time (no stopwatch here) |
RESZFL | Resize XM file (no need, lots of room) |
RUNSW | Run stopwatch (no stopwatch here) |
SETAF | Set clock accuracy factor (no clock function) |
SETSW | Set stopwatch (no stopwatch here) |
SIZE | Set size of memory (no need, lots of room) |
SIZE? | Returns size of memory (no need, lots of room) |
STOPSW | Stop stopwatch (no stopwatch here) |
SW | Stopwatch (no stopwatch here) |
SWPT | Stopwatch and pointers (no stopwatch here) |
T+X | Add X to clock time (no clock function) |
XYZALM | Set alarm (no alarm functions implemented) |
HP-41 command | XRPN command | Short explanation |
CAT n | cat n | Catalog. Only CAT 1, 3 and 4 implemented |
CRFLAS | crflas | Create ASCII file. No need to supply any file size. |
CRFLD | crfld | Create data file. No need to supply any file size. |
ENG n | eng n | Engineering format. Set number of decimals (fix) to n, threshold to for when exponents kick in to 6 and show exponents as multiples of 3. |
GETAS | getas | Loads XM file (any tupe) |
GETKEY | getkey | Waits 10 seconds for user to press a key (return Character Code to X, not HP-41 key code) |
GETKEYX | getkeyx | Waits X seconds for user to press a key (return Character Code to X) |
GETP | getp | Get program from program file |
GTO n | gto n | Goto (jump) to a string label, numbered label or line number (GTO "MyProg", GTO 31, GTO .214), using a dot before the line number) |
OFF | off | Ends XRPN. |
ON | on | Makes XRPN not end end on a single Enter in debug mode. |
PROMPT | prompt | Prompts for input (does not enter debug mode as with STOP) |
RCLFLAG | rclflag | Recall flag status to X (uses different, more readable flag status format) |
SCI n | sci n | Scientific format. Set number of decimals (fix) to n, threshold to for when exponents kick in to 9. |
STOFLAG | stoflag | Restore flag status from X (uses different, more readable flag status format) |
XRPN command | Description |
adateiso | Return date in X (DD.MMYYYY or MM.DDYYYY) as YYYY-MM-DD in Alpha |
agsub | Substitute all instances in Alpha matching the regexp in X by the content in Y |
arcli | Recall the integer part of X to Alpha |
asub | Substitute the first instance in Alpha matching the regexp in X by the content in Y |
aviewc | Print out (show) content of Alpha register in the 256-color-code specified in X |
bindec | Take X as a binary number and convert to decimal number in X |
clear | Clear terminal display |
cmdadd | Add command in Alpha to the current program at line number in X (makes it possible to write self-modifying programs) |
cmddel | Delete line number in X from the current program (makes it possible to write self-modifying programs) |
cmdhelp | Show help text for the command in Alpha |
cmds | Print all available commands |
copy | Copy file named in Alpha to filename in X |
cube | Return X^3 to X |
decbin | Take X as a decimal number and convert to binary number in X |
dechex | Take X as a decimal number and convert to hexadecimal number in X |
decoct | Take X as a decimal number and convert to octal number in X |
deg? | Prints the current degrees mode |
dot | Toggles Flag 28 (dot type - dot or comma as decimal separator) |
drop | Drop stack |
dropy | Drop only Z and Y |
error | A shortcut for CF 25 (clears flag 25 to not ignore errors) - see "unerror" |
FC?S n or fcs? n | Flag clear? If not, skip next program line and set flag. |
fix? | Print current FIX setting |
FS?S n or fss? n | Flag set? If not, skip next program line and set flag. |
geir | Easter egg |
getfile | Read any file named in Alpha into X |
getfilea | Read any file named in Alpha into Alpha |
getweb | Get web page with URL in Alpha into X |
help | Print help text |
hexdec | Take X as a hexadecimal number and convert to decimal number in X |
invf n | Invert flag (toggle flag n) |
lastpage | Returns to X the index number of the last page |
load | Load the program file named in Alpha into a new page |
move | Move file named in Alpha to filename in X |
octdec | Take X as an octal number and convert to decimal number in X |
open | Open a file system file or make directory the current directory |
page n | Make Page n the current working program Page |
pagedel n | Delete Page n |
page? | Prints current working Page |
pageswap | Swap pages (page numbers in X and Y) |
pcat | Show global program labels across all Pages |
pprgx | Print current program from lines Y to X (relative to current line if Y is negative) |
pprgtofile | Print program named in Alpha to file named in X |
prflags | Print status of all flags |
prregs | Print content of all registers |
prstk | Print Stack (including Alpha and L) |
prxm | Print content of eXtended Memory |
rand | Return a random number between 0 and 1 to X |
reload | Reload all commands in the ./xrpn/cmd directory (makes it possble to modify or add commands while a program is running) |
root | Returns Y^(1/X) to X |
rubycmd | Evaluate the Ruby command in Alpha. Gives you access to all of Ruby inside XRPN. |
savexm | Save the current XM file to disk |
sep | Toggles Flag 29 (separator for every 3 digits) |
shellcmd | Executes the shell command in Alpha. Gives you access to all of Bash inside XRPN. |
stdout | Writes content of X to Standard Out (STDOUT) - with this you can pipe the output of an xrpn program. |
tonexy | Sound a tone with frequency in X and length (in sec) in Y |
unerror | Shortcut for SF 25 (set flag 25 to ignore the next error in a program) |
version | Show the XRPN version number |
writefile | Write X as content to file named in Alpha |
xmexist? | Checks if XM file named in Alpha exists (returns file type and YES or NO) |
xmfile? | Print name of current XM file |
X>=0? or xgteq0? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
X>=Y? or xgteqy? | Conditional - if not true, skip next program line |
Find anything wrong or unclear? Please do open an issue.