A Python Client for Apache Superset REST API.
This is a Alpha version. Stability is not guaranteed.
Setup a superset client:
from supersetapiclient.client import SupersetClient
client = SupersetClient(
When developping in local (only), you may need to accept insecure transport (i.e. http).
This is NOT recommanded outside of local development environement, that is requesting localhost
import os
Get all dashboards or find one by name:
# Get all dashboards
dashboards = client.dashboards.find()
# Get a dashboard by name
dashboard = client.dashboards.find(dashboard_title="Example")[0]
To delete a dashboard by id:
dashboard = client.dashboards.delete(object_id=142)
Update dashboard colors, some properties and save changes to server:
# Update label_colors mapping
"label": "#fcba03"
# Change dashboard title
dashboard.dashboard_title = "New title"
# Save all changes
Get the embed configuration for a dashboard:
embed = dashboard.get_embed()
Create the embed configuration for a dashboard:
embed = dashboard.create_embed(allowed_domains=[])
Copy a dashboard:
dashboard_copy = dashboard.copy_dashboard(dashboard_payload={
"css": "",
"dashboard_title": "your-new-dashboard-title",
"duplicate_slices": False,
"json_metadata": "{}",
You may export one or more dashboard user client.dashboards
or directly on a dashboard
# Export many dashboards
# Set dashboard ids you would like to export
"./dashboards.json" # A string or a path-like object where export will be saved
# Export one dashboard
This functionality is also available in the same manner for datasets
# Get all CSS Templates
css_templates = client.css_templates.find()
# Get a CSS Template by name
css_template = client.css_templates.find(template_name="Flat")[0]
# Retrieve the CSS of a CSS Template
css = css_template.css
You can retrieve a guest token using the guest_token
method. This method requires the UUID of the resource (e.g., dashboard) and uses the user's first name, last name, and username from the client instance.
# Retrieve a guest token
guest_token = client.guest_token(uuid="your-example-uuid")
Before committing to this repository, you must have pre-commit installed, and install the following pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install --install-hooks -t pre-commit -t pre-push
You will need Docker and docker-compose in order to run development environment. To start development environment run:
docker-compose up -d