- Sleek, simple, and animated design
- Clean source
- Button, keybind, dropdown, slider, toggle
- Colorpicker with rgb options
- Message/Notification system
- Mouse events are not bindable
- No error handling, following doc should be enough
- Bugs exist, good luck fixing them
- Ui objects are made so custom resizing can be easily implemented if wished
- Didn't implement dropdown callback correctly, feel free to fix the crashes
-- init
local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GreenDeno/Venyx-UI-Library/main/source.lua"))()
local venyx = library.new("Venyx", 5013109572)
-- themes
local themes = {
Background = Color3.fromRGB(24, 24, 24),
Glow = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0),
Accent = Color3.fromRGB(10, 10, 10),
LightContrast = Color3.fromRGB(20, 20, 20),
DarkContrast = Color3.fromRGB(14, 14, 14),
TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
-- first page
local page = venyx:addPage("Test", 5012544693)
local section1 = page:addSection("Section 1")
local section2 = page:addSection("Section 2")
section1:addToggle("Toggle", nil, function(value)
print("Toggled", value)
section1:addButton("Button", function()
section1:addTextbox("Notification", "Default", function(value, focusLost)
print("Input", value)
if focusLost then
venyx:Notify("Title", value)
section2:addKeybind("Toggle Keybind", Enum.KeyCode.One, function()
print("Activated Keybind")
end, function()
print("Changed Keybind")
section2:addColorPicker("ColorPicker", Color3.fromRGB(50, 50, 50))
section2:addSlider("Slider", 0, -100, 100, function(value)
print("Dragged", value)
section2:addDropdown("Dropdown", {"Hello", "World", "Hello World", "Word", 1, 2, 3})
section2:addDropdown("Dropdown", {"Hello", "World", "Hello World", "Word", 1, 2, 3}, function(text)
print("Selected", text)
-- second page
local theme = venyx:addPage("Theme", 5012544693)
local colors = theme:addSection("Colors")
for theme, color in pairs(themes) do -- all in one theme changer, i know, im cool
colors:addColorPicker(theme, color, function(color3)
venyx:setTheme(theme, color3)
-- load
venyx:SelectPage(venyx.pages[1], true)
title <string> -> title of the ui
return -> library
toggle <boolean> -> toggles ui
library:setTheme(theme, color)
theme <string> -> theme to change, choices are listed in source
color <color3> -> color to change to
library:Notify(title, context, callback)
title <string> -> title of notification
context <string> -> description of notification
callback <function>
return (value)
value <boolean> -> accepted or cancelled
library:SelectPage(page, toggle)
page <table> -> page to edit
toggle <boolean>
library:addPage(title, icon)
title <string> title of page
icon <string> asset id of icon (optional)
return -> page
title <string> -> title of page
return -> section
-> resizes page based on contents absolutesize, automatic
scroll <boolean> -> scroll to last canvas position
section:addButton(title, callback)
title <string> -> title of button
callback <function>
return (update)
update <function> -> section.updateButton(button)
return -> button
section:updateButton(button, title)
button <instance or string> -> button to edit
title <string> -> title of button
section:addToggle(title, default, callback)
title <string> -> title of toggle
default <boolean> -> default value of toggle
callback <function>
return (value, update)
value <boolean> -> new toggle value
update <function> -> section.updateToggle(toggle)
return -> toggle
section:updateToggle(toggle, title, value)
toggle <instance or string> -> toggle to edit
title <string> -> title of toggle
value <boolean> -> value of toggle
section:addTextbox(title, default, callback)
title <string> -> title of textbox
default <string> -> default content of textbox
callback <function>
return (text, focus, update)
text <string> -> textbox content
focus <boolean> -> focus lost signal
update <function> -> section.updateTextbox(textbox)
return -> textbox
section:updateTextbox(textbox, title, text)
textbox <instance or string> -> textbox to edit
title <string> -> title of textbox
text <boolean> -> content of textbox
section:addKeybind(title, default, callback, changedCallback)
title <string> -> title of keybind
defualt <keycode> -> default binded key
callback <function> -> callback for key pressed
return (update)
update <function> -> section.updateKeybind(keybind)
changedCallback <function> -> callback for when bind is changed
return (key, update)
key <keycode or nil> -> new key binded
update <function> -> section.updateKeybind(keybind)
return -> keybind
section:updateKeybind(keybind, title, key)
keybind <instance or string> -> keybind to edit
title <string> -> title of keybind
key <keycode> -> key to bind
section:addColorPicker(title, default, callback)
title <string> -> title of colorpicker
default <color3> -> default color of colorpicker
callback <function> -> callback for color changed
return (color, update)
color <color3> -> new color of colorpicker
update <function> -> section.updateColorPicker(colorpicker)
return -> colorpicker
section:updateColorPicker(colorpicker, title, color)
colorpicker <instance or string> -> colorpicker to edit
title <string> -> title of colorpicker
color <color3> -> color3 of colorpicker
section:addSlider(title, default, min, max, callback)
title <string> -> title of slider
default <number> -> default value of slider
min <number> -> minimum value of dragger
max <number> -> maximum value of dragger
callback <function>
return (value, update)
value <number> -> value of slider
update <function> -> section.updateSlider(slider)
return -> slider
section:updateSlider(slider, title, value, min, max)
slider <instance or string> -> slider to edit
title <string> -> title of slider
default <number> -> default value of slider
min <number> -> minimum value of dragger
max <number> -> maximum value of dragger
section:addDropdown(title, list, callback)
title <string> -> title of dropdown
list <table> -> content of dropdown
callback <function>
return (value)
value <string> -> text of button clicked
return -> dropdown
section:updateDropdown(dropdown, title, list, callback)
dropdown <instance or string> -> dropdown to edit
title <string> -> title of dropdown
list <table> -> content of dropdown
-> resizes section based on contents absolutesize, automatic
smooth <boolean> -> resize with tween