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Appium Mobile Grid Example

Getting Started


  • You have AndroidStudios and Xcode installed.
  • You have Xcode command line tools installed.
  • You have npm & Appium installed.
  • You followed the Appium setup instructions for android & iOS.
  • You're running this on a Mac for iOS. For android, you can run on Windows and Linux with some tweaking.
  • You have Homebrew installed.
  • You have ideviceinstaller installed for iOS tests. brew install ideviceinstaller
  • You have enabled UI Automation in Settings > Developer for iOS.
  • You have android emulators installed or USB connected devices with USB Debug enabled.

To set up:

  • Ensure you running at least Ruby version 2.0 or above. You can check this by running:

    ruby -v

    If you have an older version of Ruby installed, consider using rbenv for installing a newer version of Ruby.

  • Install Bundler:

    gem install bundler

  • Run bundle install:

    bundle install

  • Install Allure Report:

    brew tap allure-framework/allure

    brew install allure-cli

Running Specs

  • Start android emulators or connect devices!
  • iOS is setup to only run on real devices. This is due to Apple's limitation of allowing only one running emulator per machine.

To run specs single threaded:

rake android[single] rake ios[single]

To run specs in parallel:

rake android[parallel] rake ios[parallel]

To run specs distributed:

rake android[dist] rake ios[dist]

To run specs on SauceLabs:

  • Goto and signup.
  • Then add your SauceLabs environment variables.

export SAUCE_USERNAME=<user sauce user_id>

export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<your sauce access key>

rake android/ios[single,sauce] <- "Will run tests tagged with :sauce single threaded"

rake android/ios[dist,sauce] <- "Will run tests tagged with :sauce distributed"

Generate Allure report: (Displays test results, hub log, appium log, screenshots and video)

allure generate report output/allure/*

allure report open

iOS debugging:

  • There could be times when the tests hang on iOS. This is most likely due to a pairing issue with ideviceinstaller.

idevicepair -u <udid> unpair

idevicepair -u <udid> pair

  • Accept the "Trust this computer" popup on the device.

idevicepair -u <udid> validate

  • Make sure you get "SUCCESS: Validated pairing with device "
  • You should now be able to install the app manually.

ideviceinstaller -u <udid> -i ./appium-mobile-grid/ios/TestApp/build/Release-iphoneos/

  • Build the app with xcodebuild

cd ios/TestApp

xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos <- This will place a new binary in appium-mobile-grid/ios/TestApp/build/Release-iphoneos

ideviceinstaller -u <udid> -i ./appium-mobile-grid/ios/TestApp/build/Release-iphoneos/

Capture Metadata

$ gem install flick

  • See here for more details.
  • Also see here for example of implementation.


  • This example was built quickly, so the code is not in the optimal state of dryness.
  • No page objects were used. The tests are soley for example purposes.


Appium Mobile Grid Example for iOS, Android and More






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