The folder (darknet) contains the official code for YOLO written in C and CUDA and pulled from this repository ( The code is modified to allow for batch processing (using a text file for the input images) and outputs the boat detections (to be saved in a file). the suggested format of the input file can be of the form
Additionally, the Make file is modified to allow for GPU inference.
The weights (of the trained network on MS COCO ) can be downloaded from here: wget
The code is built using simply
The following command can be used to run batch object detection
./darknet detect cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights file_list.txt -thresh .05 > output.txt
Object tracking is implemented in a Python notebook which uses several classes already defined in the (Video Tracking) folder. The code uses OpenCV mainly among other minor libraries. The code uses as an input:
- The frames stored in a folder (the convention of naming is number of frame padded to 5 numbers)
- The detections file, which is the output of the object detection step. The Tracking procedure then outputs
- A video containing projecting the tracking results on the frames.
- A JSON file compatible with (
motmetrics, imutils
3D Localization using the 3D point cloud is implemented in Matlab. The procedure currently is not linked directly to the tracking, but rather uses hard-coded tracks as input. The procedure (mainly accessible via function Get_Lidar_BB(BB_2D, InvM,pointCloud,order)) takes as inputs:
- A 4D vector representing the boudning box (MinX,MinY,MaxX,MaxY)
- The pseudo-inverse of the projection matrix
- The point cloud object.
- An optional paramter representing a prior on the depth of the obstacle (default is 1 for obstacles that are considered the closest to the sensor, this might can be passed differently if a prior exists, from the image-plane for example, that obstacles are occluding each others
The function returns two parameters:
- The 3D bounding box in the form [X1 Y1; X2 Y2; X3 Y3; X4 Y4]
- the centroid as a 3D point