Collection of GRASS modules to accomplish risk assesment and evaluation developed in the past years at the Geospatial Division in SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland).
- TRIGRS: python scripts to run the TRIGRS model for Shallow landslide vulnerability assessment within GRASS
- r.conefall: module for fast estimation of rock fall hazard
- r.damflood: module to estimate the flooding due to dam failure (use shallow water equations)
- r.dfwalk/r.dfwalk_v2: module to estimate debris flow hazard using a random walk approach
- r.hazard.class: module to asses the hazard classes based on defined boundaries
- r.impact.tsunami: module to estimate tsunami generation due to rock/landslide impact
- r.massmov: module to estimate the runout of fast landslide
- r.massmov.calibration: module to calibrate massmov
- r.massmove.sensitivity: module to estimate parameter sensitivity of massmov
- r.sum.mean: module to estimate mean solar irradiation
- r.swe: modules that applies the shallow water equation starting from a water elevation model
- r.tsunami: empirical estmation of tsunami propagation in sea
- r.ucode: integration of UCODE calibration & sensitivity module in GRASS
the modules have been mostly developed for GRASS version 6 and most probably need to be upgraded to version 7. Volunteers for upgrading and setting up a testing dataset are more then welcome.