Advanced PoE Filter is used by Filter of Kalandra.
This is compiler. Convert rich filter syntax to PoE filter syntax.
Show "Map Section"
Class "Maps"
SetBorderColor 200 100 50 123
SetTextColor 200 100 50 123
SetBackgroundColor 200 100 50 123
Mixin "Rarity"
Show "Rare"
Rarity = Rare
SetBorderColor Negate()
SetTextColor Grayscale()
SetBackgroundColor Lighten(30%)
# Map Section #
# Rarity is "Rare"
Class = "Maps"
Rarity = Rare
SetFontSize 32
SetTextColor 125 125 125 123
SetBackgroundColor 218 144 107 123
SetBorderColor 55 155 205 123
# Rarity is Any
Class = "Maps"
SetFontSize 32
SetTextColor 200 100 50 123
SetBackgroundColor 200 100 50 123
SetBorderColor 200 100 50 123
import { compile } from 'advanced-poe-filter'
const result = compile(advancedScriptText)
$ npm run deploy