E-commerce vendor project in DBMS semester 3 This is a project done in 3rd semester for the Database Systems module. This is an ecommerce website build using HTML, Bootstrap as frontend and PHP as backend. Other languages used in this project are JS, Ajax.
First, you need to install xampp server or Mysql server and open the Ecommerce_Final.sql file which is in this repo from that server. Respective links are given below for downloading. https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
Then you can open the index.php file in the client folder from localhost.
- Html, Bootstrap - Frontend
- Php - Backend
- JS
- Ajax
Build a responsive E-commerce vendor site using the knowledge gained from the Database systems module done in 3rd semester.
This E-commerce site is capable of :
- Select product variants and Units for the respective products.
- Add and remove product items from the Cart.
- Create accounts and login to the site when ordering items
- Do transactions as a Guest without login to the site.
- Basic Programming Concepts
- HTML, Bootstrap, PHP, Ajax, JS Programming knowledge
- Mysql database knowledge