is a Helm plugin that remove failed release revisions from a Kubernetes cluster.
To compile and install helm-janitor
from sources, perform the following commands:
# creates the environment variables Helm provides to plugins to
# properly install in the host system
$ eval $(helm env)
# compiles and install the plugin in HELM_PLUGINS directory
$ make install
mkdir -p ./dist
go build -o ./dist/helm-janitor main.go
mkdir -p ./dist/janitor
cp ./dist/helm-janitor ./dist/janitor
cp ./plugin.yaml ./dist/janitor
mkdir -p /home/isuttonl/.local/share/helm/plugins/janitor
install ./dist/janitor/* /home/isuttonl/.local/share/helm/plugins/janitor/
Once this is finished, the plugin should be available:
$ helm janitor
A Helm plugin that remove failed releases revisions from the cluster
helm-janitor [command]
Available Commands:
clean remove unused artifacts of previous failed releases
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.helm_janitor.yaml)
-h, --help help for helm-janitor
Use "helm-janitor [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To build only the plugin program, use the build
make build