Italian localization for Magento 1.x.
Italian localization for Magento: translations and regions dictionary (province). Please, use it on your Magento projects with Composer and improve it with our contribution process (see Contributing).
- PHP >= 5.2.0
- Mage_Core
- ...
- Magento CE >= 1.6
- Magento EE >= 1.11
Installation is possible in two different ways.
Preferred way: Composer and Magento Composer Installer
Add the dependency to your composer.json
with this command:
composer require it4mage/magento-italian-extension dev-master
Alternative way: Modman
Run modman clone
Probably you may need to customize e-mail templates for your specific project but if you install the extension with Composer or Modman you'll find that all templates are symlinked so you can't customize them. To do so we suggest you to use Yireo_EmailOverride extension that allows to customize e-mail templates at theme level.
If you have any issues with this extension, open an issue on GitHub.
Any contribution is highly appreciated. You can fork the repository and use your own fork in your project (see Composer documentation for this). When you're ready to submit your changes open a pull request on GitHub with your fork. Please do it (especially for translations), so we can all take advantage of open source community work.
Francesco Marangi (@fmarangi) Alessandro Ronchi (@aleron75) Manuele Menozzi (@mmenozzi)
This library is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the LICENSE file.