Motion detection for the camera module in the Raspberry PI computer. Includes a very simple web application.
Web application features:
- Start/stop motion detection.
- Browse images.
- Clean all captured images.
- Send email with the captured images.
- Single image snapshot.
- Since the project needs a web server, start by installing lighttpd and PHP5. You would also need the GD module for the jpg handling:
sudo apt-get install lighttpd
sudo apt-get install php5
sudo apt-get install php5-gd
- Since the web server user, www-data does not have access to the rasbistill which is required for capturing images. To grant access to the user type:
echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="vchiq",GROUP="video",MODE="0660"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/10-vchiq-permissions.rules
usermod -a -G video www-data
- Copy all the project files to /var/www/security-pi (or clone it to this folder directly).
- The web server user would also need permissions to write the image files to the disk. To grant it access to the folder type:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/security-pi
- Browse to http://[your ip]/security-pi