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The goal of this project is to deploy a local development environment using containers (docker-compose) to create an Apache Spark cluster to deploy and test spark local python/scala jobs.
Run make up to deploy the environment, i.e, create network and containers and start them. Spark 3.2.0 version.
In projects folder we have a typical example of word count in python (PySpark) and a scala example to calculate the value of pi.
For python/word-count project, running make submit-python-counter-job: The python job (counter.py) will be deployed in the container via volumes and submit the job in the master node. For example, we can see the results in the Visual Studio Code console or Spyder console or terminal console.
Inside scala/sparkpi we have a typical structure of scala project. With make sbt-clean and make sbt-package we can clean and package the project (deploying an auxiliary container with sbt installed, so we don't need sbt installed locally). Running make submit-scala-pi-job: Clean, package and deploy the scala target .jar in spark container via volumes and submit the job in the master node.
Once finished, running make down will delete all the containers and the network, but the used image will be in the docker images local repository (if you want to delete it, do docker rmi IMAGE_ID). If you want to use a specific spark or scala version, you have to edit the configuration file docker-compose.yml image tag and the build.sbt file (submit-scala-spark.bat too).