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Android platform are using c2dm for push notification, but because c2dm have stopped accept new user, so we have decide to use the new service that google provided which is Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). Current Latest version is 0.5

Change Log


  • Fixed push notification id which does not replace the notification in you list.
  • Integrated vibration and sound property when sending messsage from server. Example php message :

$gcm = new GCM(); $registatoin_ids = array($regId); $message = array(title => 'title', message => $message, ticker => $message, vibrate => 1, sound => 'default'); $result = $gcm->send_notification($registatoin_ids, $message);


  • Changed from getSystemProperties() to getAppProperties() at and
  • fixed clicking on the notification does what is expected
  • Changed behaviour so that if message is null we don't display a notification
  • able to push notification by vibration


  • stop to use SENDER_ID
  • remove senderID from the parameters of "registerC2dm"
  • auto generate permission in timodule.xml
  • store the wall push data into "com.activate.gcm.last_data" (stringified json)
  • call the callback (will not work if app isn't running and V8)

Topic Covered

  1. Steps to create module for Titanium use. (Mac Users) (For people that who want to create their own gcm module)
  2. How to use this module at titanium. (For people that use my created module)
  3. Custom sound.

Steps to create module for Titanium use

  1. You have to get the android sdk manager, and download the google gcm from there.

  2. Get the ANT 1.8 from >>, ANT 1.8 use to create module project and compile use for titanium use.

  3. Using terminal to create module project for titanium by runing the command below.

    /Users/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/1.8.2/ create --platform=android --type=module --id=YOUR_PROJECT_ID --android=YOUR_ANDROID_SDK_PATH

    For example --id=com.activate.gcm, --android=/Applicatoins/android-sdk

  4. Once the module project create success, copy the gcm/gcm-client/src folder from you have downloaded at Android SDK Manager into the module src folder.

  5. Please make changes of the sdk path at the, such as titanium.platoform, android.platform, google.apis, and android.ndk

  6. Now what you want to do is create the interface class between Java native code with titanium javascript using the Kroll Method. For more information please read here >> .You also can take my source code as reference on how to create the interface. The source code is provided in this project which inside /src folder.

  7. After complete setup all the class and interface, using ANT 1.8 to compile the module. To compile the module, we have to compile on build.xml. Now, navigate the ANT using terminal and type the command as follow.

    /Users/Desktop/ANT/apache-ant-1.8.4/bin/ant -buildfile /Users/Desktop/gcm/build.xml

  8. After all success compile, the terminal should prompt BUILD SUCCESSFUL, and navigate to folder /dist, inside have the zip file and jar file.

Finally, you have complete and success create the module, now look at "How to use this module at titanium."

How to use this module at titanium.

  1. Copy the .zip into your titanium project at root level. You may use my zip module as well, inside /dist/ Double click on the zip file, the zip should be unzip inside the folder name "module".

  2. Insert some data into tiapp.xml. I have upload my project tiapp.xml to this project, please navigate to /example/tiapp.xml for the references.

  3. After that, you also can refer to the /example/PushNotification.js as reference how to use push notification android in titanium. I have provided example into it.

Custom sound.

$data = array( 'data' => array( 'message'=>'my message', 'title'=>'message title', 'sound'=>'attention.wav', 'vibrate'=>'1' ), 'registration_ids' => $regids );



Google Cloud Messaging in Titanium







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