This Mike is not exactly Mycroft Holmes but rather a collection of Autohotkey scripts.
A few fancy ones:
Control+Win+Z: Zips the entire folder, or just the selected files, in Windows Explorer.
Control+Win+Alt+D: Minimize all windows on monitor of active Window. Press again to restore.
Control+Alt+D: Open Windows Explorer and select last downloaded file (windows-explorer)
A script running in the background (tray icon) with little productivity boosters.
- Hotstrings to reduce amount of typing (atm -> at the moment)
- Shortcuts to start programs (win+o -> open solitaire.exe)
- Enhancements to programs (cmd, windows explorer, ...)
- Random scripts to do something I often do (did?) manually
- Dev tooling (encode/decode, prettify/uglify, convert, ...)
See the Github Pages for a listing of
all shortcuts and their default bindings.
Or don't: the information on the site is pretty outdated.
See resources\init_custom-example.yml for how to configure a custom hotkey.
Requires Autohotkey_L.
git clone
cd Mi-Ke
# Start
Personal customization (optional):
# Add some custom config & examples
# If you do not want examples run the following instead
.\init.ps1 -bare
To start Mi-Ke when Windows starts:
Put a mike.ahk.lnk
in %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
In the right click contextmenu of the Mi-Ke tray icon there is also an option to do this for you.
More step by step instructions can be found in the official docs FAQ
The scripts aren't working only when Visual Studio (or any other app) is running as administrator.
The solution would be to also start Mi-Ke as administrator when you want the scripts to be available
in these applications.
Binding AppsKey & X
(with x any character) breaks AppsKey in Cmder.
- Are in
- Need to end in
Run tests: