Linked Dev is a platform that allows users (software developers) to create a public profile stating their skill set, years of experience, and a brief summary of them. Every internet user can access this profile, including recruiters and their potential employers. The name was coined from LinkedIn (a social networking website for business people to communicate).
Linked Dev - Client
Linked Dev - Server
- Client Repo
- Server Repo
To install Linked dev follow these steps
- Clone the repository from GitHub
$ git clone
- Navigate to the project directory
$ cd linkedev-web-client
- Install the required dependencies
$ npm install
Linked dev client requires the following in your .env
This should be the Linked Dev Web Service base url
To start the development server, run this command
$ npm run dev
This will start the development server on http://localhost:3000/
Linked dev is composed of the following components:
: The top-level component that renders the entire application.Create
: The component that allows user to create their profile.List
: The component that list all the completed user profiles.Show
: The component that shows a single user profile. It also holds actions that allows only the profile owner to either edit or delete their profile.Edit
: The component that allows the profile owner to update their profile.Login
: The component that allows registered users to log onto the platform.Register
: The component that allows users to create an account on the platform.
To learn more please check out the following documentations