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Video Explanation of the Final Product


Assignment A4: Urbanism and Graphs

Installation instructions

First follow A2 and A3 installation instructions below.

Make Scenarios

If you have make, run the following command in order:

  • To create the base mesh:

    • make run-irregular-relaxed
  • To generate the island on top of the mesh

    • make island

Other Make Scenarios

  • Star Network

    • make island-urbanism-star
  • NonStar Network

    • make island-urbanism-nonstar

This should generate a default implementation of the urbanism with the island generation, both using the same seed.

Without Make

Run the following commands in order:

  • To create the base mesh in a sample.mesh file
    • cd generator && java -jar generator.jar -m irregular -r 100 -p 1000 -o sample.mesh
  • To generate the island with urbanism in a lagoon.mesh file
    • cd island && java -jar island.jar -i ../generator/sample.mesh -o lagoon.mesh -shape circLe -cities 40 -network nonstar -altitude mountain -aquifer 2 -lake 7 -river 5 -soil dry -biomes america
  • To visualize the final mesh in sample.svg
    • cd visualizer && java -jar visualizer.jar -mesh ../island/lagoon.mesh -output sample.svg

Check out Island Documentation to see all the configurations for Island generation via CLI.

Check out Pathfinder Documentation to see the GraphADT and Pathfinder functionality.

UML Diagram

UML Diagram for the Pathfinder

Assignment A2 + A3: Mesh Generator (A2) + Island Generator (A3)

How to run the product


  • Maven
  • Java
  • Make (optional, but helpful)

Installation instructions

This product is handled by Maven, as a multi-module project. We assume here that you have cloned the project in a directory named A2

To install the different tooling on your computer, simply run (while in A2):

mvn clean install

After installation, you'll find an application named generator.jar in the generator directory, and a file named visualizer.jar in the visualizer one.

A2 - Mesh Generation

Running The Product

Without Make

To generate the square mesh, enter this into the terminal.

cd generator
java -jar generator.jar -m square -o sample.mesh

Then go to the visualizer directory.

cd visualizer
java -jar visualizer.jar -m ../generator/sample.mesh -o sample.svg

To activate debug mode, add -X to the end of the command line during the visualizer execution.

cd visualizer
java -jar visualizer.jar -m ../generator/sample.mesh -o sample.svg -X

To vizualize the SVG file:

  • Open it with a web browser
  • If need be: Convert it into something else with tool slike rsvg-convert

With Make (Has scenarios)

A makefile has been provided to easily create meshes according to their default types (however, this can be adjusted accordingly).

  • To create a regular square mesh:

    • make run
  • For debug mode with a regular square mesh:

    • make run-square-debug

The following commands can add -debug to the end of the command-name to activate debug mode (i.e make run-hex-debug in the case of a hex mesh).

  • To create an irregular unrelaxed mesh:

    • make run-irregular
  • To create an irregular relaxed mesh:

    • make run-irregular-relaxed
  • To create a regular hexagon mesh:

    • make run-hex
  • To create a regular diamond mesh:

    • make run-diamond
  • To create a regular honeycomb mesh:

    • make run-honeycomb

For the square and irregular mesh in normal mode, width and height can be adjusted to 100x100 by adding -size to the end of the command-name (i.e make run-square-size or make-run-irregular-size).

Generator Customization

If you wish to customize the generation of a mesh, such as the relaxation level and number of polygons, simply add an argument to the generator portion of execution.

cd generator
java -jar generator.jar -m *TYPE_OF_MESH* -r *RELAXATION_LEVEL* -p *NUM_OF_POLYGONS* -o *OUTPUT_NAME*.mesh -ht *HEIGHT_INT* -wt *WIDTH_INT*

These can be written in any order and if you choose to omit any arguments, default values will be provided. Please note for regular meshes, relaxation level and number of polygons will be ignored.

Need help? Simply use -h or --help within the generator execution or run make help.

Visualizing the project

If running the project in normal mode, vertices will be randomly choose between two colours. The segment colours will be the average colour between its two vertices and the polygon colour will be filled in as the average colour of all its vertices.

For TA: Go to JTSToGeneratorConverter lines 97-105 to be able to test with colours_

A3 - Island Generation

Running The Product

Without Make

To generate an island, enter this into the terminal. This assumes you have generated a mesh from

cd island
java -jar island.jar -i ../generator/sample.mesh -o lagoon.mesh -shape circle -altitude mountain -aquifer 2 -lake 3 -river 4 -soil dry -biomes america

Then go to the visualizer directory.

cd visualizer
java -jar visualizer.jar -m ../generator/sample.mesh -o sample.svg

To vizualize the SVG file:

  • Open it with a web browser
  • If need be: Convert it into something else with tool slike rsvg-convert

With Make (Has scenarios)

A makefile has been provided to easily create islands according to their default types (however, this can be adjusted accordingly).

  • To begin, make a starting irregular relaxed mesh with this command:

    • make run-irregular-relaxed
  • To make an island, simply run the following command adjusting values to your liking in the makefile:

    • make island

You can make your own combination island with the command-line arguments in, however different scenarios have been added to the makefile for easy execution:

  • To make a lagoon island (sandbox):

    • make island-lagoon
  • To make an island with an already specified seed (reproducability):

    • make island-seed
    • Different heatmap modes have been added to view this specific seed:
      • make island-seed-debug for debug mode
      • make island-seed-moisture for a moisture heatmap
      • make island-seed-altitude for an altitude heatmap
  • To make a square mountain island:

    • make island-mountain-square
  • To make a three circle prairie island:

    • make island-prairie-threecircle

How to contribute to the project

When you develop features and enrich the product, remember that you have first to package (as in mvn package) it so that the jar file is re-generated by maven.

Developer information

Check, and for more in depth information, such as geometry properties, command line args, and whittaker diagram information.



  • Pending (P), Started (S), Blocked (B), Done (D)

Definition of Done

  • Feature is permanently completed with consideration of edge cases.
  • Code is either readable, commented, or documented.
  • Code passes all tests.

Product Backlog

NOTE: For any features with more than 1 person, means it was most likely one person worked on it and others came in later to finish or fix it. Or some rare cases of pair programming during difficult features.

Id Feature title Who? Start End Status
F01 Square visualization Richard, Hady, Cyruss 01/30/23 02/03/23 D
F02 Add support for representing squares as polygons Richard 02/04/23 02/08/23 D
F03 Determine the centroid location for each polygon Richard, Hady, Cyruss 02/04/23 02/10/23 D
F04 RGBA support (alpha value for transparency affect) Cyruss 02/04/23 02/09/23 D
F05 Manipulate the thickness of vertices, polygons, segments Cyruss 02/04/23 02/09/23 D
F06 Allow visualizer to take in Command line args, to display colours indicated by the user Hady 02/04/23 02/11/2023 D
F07 Add support for a debug mode Hady & Cyruss 02/04/23 02/11/2023 D
F08 Generate irregular voronoi tiles for random points Hady, Cyruss, Richard 02/14/23 02/16/23 D
F09 Incorporate Lloyd relaxation for the voronoi tiles Hady 02/14/23 02/18/23 D
F10 Display neighborhood relationships (Delaunay's Triangulation) Cyruss 02/14/23 02/18/23 D
F11 Reorder segments (Convex Hull) Cyruss 02/14/23 02/18/23 D
F12 Add Hexagonal Tessellation Hady 02/18/23 02/18/23 D
F13 Add Diamond Tessellation Cyruss 02/20/23 02/21/23 D
F14 Minimize Mesh (unique vertices) Hady 02/19/23 02/21/23 D
F15 Allow generator to take in command line args to select the type of mesh, relaxation, and num of polygons Hady, Richard 02/18/23 02/21/23 D
F16 Minimize Mesh (unique segments) Hady 02/19/23 02/26/23 D
F17 Minimize Mesh (unique polygons) Hady 02/19/23 02/26/23 D
F18 Add Honeycomb Tessellation Hady 02/26/23 02/27/23 D
F19 Support for Lagoon and Oval Shaped Island Cyruss 03/11/23 03/13/23 D
F20 Support for Triangle Shaped Island Richard 03/12/23 03/13/23 D
F21 User can choose which island shape Hady, Richard, Cyruss 03/12/23 03/14/23 D
F22 Support for ThreeCircle (Complex) Shaped Island Hady 03/13/23 03/13/23 D
F23 Created Altimetric profile for Mountain Hady 03/14/23 03/14/23 D
F24 Created Altimetric profile for Prairie Hady 03/14/23 03/14/23 D
F25 User can choose which Altimetric profile Hady, Cyruss, Richard 03/14/23 03/14/23 D
F26 Add randomly spawning lakes of random size in a range within the island Hady, Cyruss, Richard 03/15/23 03/18/23 D
F27 Randomly spawn rivers that flow from high to low elevation, ending in a lake/ocean or lowest point (creating a lake) Richard, Hady 03/18/23 03/18/23 D
F28 User can choose the max number of lakes Hady 03/15/23 03/18/23 D
F29 Rivers can merge and multiply Richard, Hady 03/18/23 03/18/23 D
F30 User can choose the number of rivers to spawn Hady 03/18/23 03/18/23 D
F31 Aquifers randomly generated based on user input Hady, Richard, Cyruss 03/15/23 03/18/23 D
F32 Add soil types that get moisture based on their type and the humidity Cyruss 03/18/23 03/18/23 D
F33 Add Dry Soil Type Cyruss, Hady 03/18/23 03/20/23 D
F34 Add Wet Soil Type Cyruss, Hady 03/18/23 03/20/23 D
F35 User can choose the absorption profile Cyruss 03/18/23 03/18/23 D
F36 Add a American Whittaker Diagram Richard, Cyruss 03/21/23 03/22/23 D
F37 Add a second Asian Whittaker Diagram Richard, Cyruss 03/21/23 03/22/23 D
F38 User can choose which whittaker diagram to follow Richard, Cyruss 03/21/23 03/22/23 D
F39 Regions are split into biomes based on the environment and whittaker diagrams Richard, Cyruss 03/21/23 03/22/23 D
F40 Randomly generate islands based off of a seed Hady 03/15/23 03/18/23 D
F41 Return the seed to the user and allow them to pass in a seed (this should produce the same map every time) Hady 03/15/23 03/18/23 D
F42 Add Altitude Heatmap Visualization Hady 03/23/23 03/24/23 D
F43 Add Moisture Heatmap Visualization Hady 03/23/23 03/24/23 D
F44 Add Debug Visualization (show spring sources and aquifers) Hady 03/23/23 03/24/23 D
F45 User can choose visualization type Hady 03/23/23 03/24/23 D


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Contributors 4
