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Nuar API Gateway Framework

NuGet .NET 9.0 Build Status

Nuar is an advanced, modular, and extensible API Gateway framework specifically designed for modern microservices architecture. With a focus on scalability, observability, and performance, Nuar simplifies API management, routing, and communication between services while providing seamless integration with popular tools and technologies.

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                                /####  Nuar API Gateway  ####\
                            @#~    *Innovative & Fast*    ~#@


Key Features

  • Modular Design: Use only the components you need by adding or removing features via Nuar extensions.
  • Authentication & Authorization: Supports JWT, OAuth, and custom authentication mechanisms.
  • CORS Management: Effortlessly manage CORS policies using the Nuar.Cors extension.
  • Custom Error Handling: Fine-tune error responses with Nuar.CustomErrors.
  • Distributed Tracing: Achieve observability with Nuar.Tracing, leveraging OpenTelemetry.
  • API Documentation: Automatically generate API docs with Nuar.Swagger using OpenAPI.
  • Message Brokers: Integrate RabbitMQ with Nuar.RabbitMQ for microservices communication.
  • Scalability & Resilience: Built with Polly for handling retries, circuit-breaking, and resilience.

Project Structure

├── docs                     # Documentation and assets
│   └── logo                 # Nuar logo assets
├──                # This readme file
├── scripts                  # Build and packaging scripts
├── src                      # Core and extension libraries
│   ├── Nuar                 # Core Nuar framework
│   ├── Nuar.Cors            # CORS policy management
│   ├── Nuar.CustomErrors    # Custom error handling
│   ├── Nuar.Host            # Host project for running the gateway
│   ├── Nuar.JWT             # JWT authentication
│   ├── Nuar.RabbitMQ        # RabbitMQ messaging support
│   ├── Nuar.Swagger         # Swagger API documentation
│   └── Nuar.Tracing         # Distributed tracing support

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following tools installed:


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd nuar_framework
  2. Restore Dependencies

    dotnet restore
  3. Build the Project

    dotnet build
  4. Run the API Gateway

    Navigate to the host directory and run the API Gateway:

    cd src/Nuar.Host/src/Nuar.Host
    dotnet run


Nuar is fully configurable through YAML. Define routes, services, CORS, security policies, and more in nuar.yml:

  - path: /api/service1
    service: service1
    method: GET
      required: true

Packaging & Deployment

  • Build & Package: Use the following script to package all components:

    bash scripts/
  • Run Tests: To execute all unit tests, run:

    bash scripts/

Available Extensions

Nuar is designed to be modular. Below are some key extensions:

  • Nuar.Cors: Manage Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policies.
  • Nuar.JWT: Add JWT-based authentication and authorization.
  • Nuar.RabbitMQ: Integrate RabbitMQ for message-based communication.
  • Nuar.Swagger: Generate API documentation with Swagger and OpenAPI.
  • Nuar.Tracing: Utilize OpenTelemetry for distributed tracing and observability.


Contributions are welcome! If you have a bug report, feature request, or want to contribute code, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new feature branch.
  3. Submit a pull request with your changes.

We also encourage opening discussions on issues to get feedback from the community before starting large feature developments.


The Nuar Framework is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.

For more information, visit ITSharpPro or check the official documentation.

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