A wrapper for xeipuuv/gojsonschema to ease integration into Go kit services.
provides a simplified interface to gojsonschema.Validate. A validator is created with a schema, either from a schema file:
val := jsonschema.NewValidatorFromFile("file://path/to/mySchema.json")
or from a JSON string:
val := jsonschema.NewValidatorFromString(`{"type":"boolean"}`)
To aid integration with Go kit services, JSON validation can decorate a go-kit/kit/transport/http/DecodeRequestFunc, in much the same way as a Middleware wraps an Endpoint.
func decodeRequest(req *http.Request) (request interface{}, err error) {
var request Query
return request, nil
decoder := jsonschema.NewDecodeFunc(val, decodeRequest)
If the request body passes against the schema, the validation function will pass transparently on to the decorated function. If validation fails, an error will be returned and the decorated function will not be called.